Joy to the Wolves (Red Wolf #1) - Terry Spear Page 0,95

no idea, but maybe we can take them to the Christmas party for show-and-tell.”

“That sounds great.”

A knock sounded on the back door, and Josh went to get it. “It’s Adam.” Josh let him in.

“What are we celebrating exactly?” Adam had brought a pecan pie.

“Oh, thanks for the pecan pie. I love them,” Brooke said.

“We’re celebrating the sale of two Chinese vases owned by the emperor himself,” Josh said.

“Really. So how much are they selling for these days?” Adam asked, setting the pie on the table.

“Forty million United States dollars each,” Josh said before she could. “Hell, when the first potential buyer offered ten million for each of the vases, I would have sold them to him right then and there. Good thing I’m not helping with that part of the business.”

Adam laughed. “Hell, I can’t believe it. Did I see them?”

“Probably not. Once I thought they might be the real deal, Josh put them in the safe in the house. When Maverick arrives, Josh can open the safe and show them to you. No touching though.”

The guys laughed.

“She’s got a great game to play. Her great-aunt made up a list of valuable items and where they were located,” Josh said. Then a knock sounded on the front door, and Josh went to get it. “Maverick’s here. He brought a holiday cheese ball covered in fresh green chives and crackers. Hey, you’re in time to help us figure out the clues.”

Adam opened the bottle of champagne while Brooke fetched the champagne glasses.

Maverick set the food on the table. “So what are we celebrating?”

This time, Brooke shared about the sale of the vases, and then with champagne glasses in hand, they went in to show off the vintage artwork, because the vases would soon be collected from Brooke and out of here for good.

“Wow,” Maverick said. “Who would have ever believed a couple of vases would be that valuable.”

“And even better—you’re looking at two mated wolves,” Brooke said.

Adam and Maverick looked shocked at first, glancing at a grinning Josh as if to see if it was for real.

“Ah, hell,” Adam said.

Maverick laughed. “My sentiment too. Welcome to the family.” He gave Brooke a hug.

“Just consider me part of the family. Both Josh and Maverick do.” Adam gave her a hug. “Congratulations to both of you.”

They hugged Josh too.

“So where’s the list of clues?” Maverick asked.

Brooke brought out plates so everyone could grab some munchies, and then they sat in the living room while Josh made a fire. She returned with the list of clues and explained what they thought the first three items were.

“Sounds reasonable to me,” Adam said. “We might not be able to help with these though. You’ve been unloading the trunks and boxes and have seen some of the merchandise.”

“That’s true.” Maverick placed a couple of crackers on his plate and sliced off some of the cheese ball.

Brooke began fixing lunch, putting on the steaks, then boiling potatoes and frying up some asparagus.

“The next clue is: ‘You need to vet the barn to make sure it isn’t worthless.’ What would that be?” Adam asked. “Wait, the next clue says ‘You have to pickup the barn to use it to its fullest.’ ‘Pickup’ is written as one word.”

“So a pickup truck? What would be the value in that?” Brooke asked.

“If it’s vintage, it could be worth something,” Maverick said.

“Another clue: ‘Luxuriate in Italy whether you’re a sports fan or not, but you have to get out of the barn to do it.’”

“A luxury Italian car?” Maverick said. “Man, I’m in the market.”

“I’m sure Brooke will give it to you for a Christmas gift,” Josh said, smiling. “What if the clues are all referring to vehicles? A luxury Italian car could be a Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Fiat. Maybe a Maserati or Lamborghini. They’re all Italian luxury cars that could be classics.”

“Which would you love to have?” Brooke asked.

“Man, oh man. If I could, I’d keep them all,” Josh said.

She chuckled. “You’re like my great-uncle, if these are vintage cars in the barn. He’s been gone thirty years, so they’d have to be vintage. I can’t imagine my great-aunt buying cars and hiding them in a barn.”

“I wouldn’t have them sitting in a barn collecting dust,” Josh said.

“You’d be showing them off,” Brooke said.

“Yeah. That’s what they’re for.” Josh smiled. He couldn’t imagine having something that grand to drive.

“If they’re what we think they could be, maybe the ‘vet’ is a Corvette,” Adam said.

“But there are no barns here on the property.” Copyright 2016 - 2024