Joy to the Wolves (Red Wolf #1) - Terry Spear Page 0,44

her in the attic in her human form. No witnesses left behind.

“I’m certain I flipped the sign from Open to Closed on the door, and I’m sure I locked it out of habit. But I had so many things I wanted to do—clean up the dishes from making the hot cocoa and the wassail, and then restocking my shelves and being concerned that my great-aunt had ordered more boxes of stuff from Colombia—that I can’t be completely positive.”

“The door lock didn’t appear to be tampered with.”


“I intend to help you sort through whatever you need help with,” Josh said again. He had the time off, and what better use of it than to help a wolf in need?

“Thanks.” She sounded weary, and he was ready to put her to bed, but he was waiting for his brother to return with his dessert before he turned in.

Then a knock sounded on the front door, and he went to answer it. He looked through the peephole and saw Maverick standing on the doorstep, sacks in hand.

Josh opened the door for his brother and locked it after him. “Thanks, Brother. What dessert did you get for yourself?”

“Chocolate brownie smothered in ice cream and topped with hot fudge.”

“Did you bring me one too?” Brooke asked.

Maverick looked a little bummed that he hadn’t. “Did you want mine?”

She laughed. “No. I was just teasing. I already had my sundae.”

Someone knocked on the door again, and Josh went to get it. “Our sketch artist is here.”

Brooke looked done in, but she knew the importance of doing this.

“This is Sierra Redding,” Josh said, introducing the ladies. “And, Sierra, this is Brooke Cerise.”

“Oh, oh, a wolf. I’m so glad to meet you,” Sierra said. “Adam should have mentioned it. I’m so sorry I didn’t get here sooner. Criminals are keeping me busy. Let’s get this done. You look like you could use some rest.”

“Thanks.” Brooke was all smiles, and Josh was glad Sierra had finally arrived and the two she-wolves had met each other.

“I’m looking forward to shopping in your store. I love antiques.” Sierra pulled out her sketch pad.

“Oh, that would be great.”

“Is someone staying with you tonight?” Sierra asked Brooke.

“I am.” Josh hadn’t meant to say that so quickly, as if he was afraid someone else would step in to volunteer. His brother chuckled.

“I’ll have to scratch you off my list of eligible bachelors, I see.” Sierra gave him an evil smile.

Everyone knew Josh wasn’t dating anyone. He handed Brooke another mug of hot cocoa to warm her up after having the sundae. “Would you like one, Sierra?”

“No, thanks, I’m good.”

“How long have you been doing this?” Brooke asked Sierra.

“For about a year now. I was a finance officer and retired from the army, then joined my brother and the pack about two years ago. I was working in the pack as a preschool teacher, but my true love is art, and I was sketching a lot of pictures for people—kids, families, wolves and humans—while also teaching art to the little ones. Then Josh and Adam asked if I might be interested in being a police sketch artist. As the bureau’s sketch artist, I love helping to catch the bad guys, but I still teach art to the kids, and adults who want lessons, in the pack.”

“Oh, how wonderful.”

“I love it.” Pencil raised, Sierra said, “Start by telling me everything you can remember.”

Josh hovered over Sierra’s shoulder to give his input.

“You know, Josh, you could give me your own descriptions. Separately. So the two of you don’t influence each other. That’s how we’re supposed to do this.” Sierra tilted her chin down as she looked up at him, giving him the look.

Josh thought she’d be perfect as a mate for his brother. She seemed more like a sisterly type to him. “Brooke’s got most of it right. She saw a lot more than I did. I saw mostly the backs of their heads except for a couple of times when they looked back to see if I was still following them. She was much closer to them than I ever got. I saw the one man leaning over a bunch of boxes Brooke had out for trash earlier though.”

Sierra nodded. “Is there anything else you can think of?” she asked Brooke after she’d given Sierra all the details she could remember.

“Thanks, no. That’s it.”

“What about you, Josh?”

Arms folded across his chest, he shook his head.

“We’ll get the composites out right away. By the way, did you ever Copyright 2016 - 2024