Joy to the Wolves (Red Wolf #1) - Terry Spear Page 0,123

Christmas present, she’d better get life.”

Maverick smiled darkly.

Josh asked, “What were you and Randy doing here with the cars anyway?”

“We were delivering your Christmas present. I was going to give Randy a ride to the mall for some last-minute Christmas shopping afterward. His wife was picking him up after that.”

“On Christmas Eve?”

“Yeah. Randy says that’s when the best early sales are.” Maverick took another hairpin turn to keep up with Daisy. Thankfully, traffic hadn’t been too bad, with a lot of the shops in the area closing early.

Then they saw a roadblock ahead.

Hell, would the woman give up or plow through the roadblock? They saw Adam and Ethan’s vehicles, along with three police cars, and three more were following Maverick.

“I hope they know you’re with me,” Maverick said. “I can see me getting tickets for speeding, reckless driving, failure to stop at stop signs, and half a dozen other reasons.”

“Adam will tell them we’re in the Corvette in pursuit of Daisy.” They had her blocked in, but would she wreck Josh’s car in one last senseless act of revenge?

Josh’s hands were fisted, his muscles tense as she slammed on her brakes—his car’s brakes, technically—and spun the car around. Hell. Then she stopped the car and fled on foot.

Josh knew he had to take chase, though he wanted to check out his car.

Maverick pulled the Corvette next to Josh’s car. “I’ll take care of the Ferrari. Go get her, Josh.”

Josh jumped out of the car and took off running. Adam soon joined him, other police officers in pursuit.

Daisy had disappeared into one of the shops, Josh figured. At least with their wolves’ sense of smell, they’d locate her before the officers did.

“In there,” Josh said and ran toward a stationery store. A sign said it was closing in fifteen minutes. He and Adam barged inside.

Wearing a green apron and a red Santa’s hat, the clerk was wringing her hands and said, “We’re closing in fifteen minutes.” She motioned with her head in the direction they thought Daisy had gone.

Josh and Adam had their guns out. “Leave the store,” Josh ordered the clerk, showing his badge.

The woman hurried out, and they began to search the premises for Daisy. It was easy to find her trail, using their sense of smell, and it led them to the women’s restroom.

Adam motioned for Josh to go first.

Josh sure the hell hoped he wasn’t going to take some bullets on this one when he was planning to have a lovely Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Brooke.

He pushed open the door. There were no windows in the restroom, thankfully. He began shoving stall doors open and found one that was locked.

“You can come out now. You’re not going anywhere,” Josh said, he and Adam waiting for her to comply before he kicked in the door.

The lock clicked, and the door opened.

“Put the gun on the floor,” Josh said.

Red-faced, Daisy put the 9mm gun on the floor.

“Kick it away from yourself,” Josh said.

She did, and Adam retrieved it.

Then the police joined them while Adam was tying Daisy’s hands behind her back with a plastic tie. Josh read her rights to her, which reminded him of Brooke telling him what her rights were when he’d questioned her about Jingles.

Then they took Daisy away in one of the patrol cars. Josh immediately called Brooke while he and Adam headed back to where the Ferrari and Maverick were waiting for them.

Adam looked over the two cars, the Corvette and the Ferrari, while more of the officers joined them to admire them.

“You have all the luck,” Adam said and slapped Josh on the back.

Josh had to admit Adam was right.

On the phone, Brooke said to Josh, “Tell Adam he has to come for Christmas Eve dinner. Mr. Lee and Ethan are here babysitting me, and they have no other plans for tonight.”

“All right, honey. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, are you? Maverick said he rescued your Christmas present.”

Josh laughed. “Yeah, and Daisy’s now in custody. See you in a minute.” He turned to Adam, “We want you to join all of us for a salmon dinner.”

“I guess that means you’re retiring for good now,” Adam said to Josh. “The upside of all this is we caught all the bad guys, but the downside is—”

“We might not be working on cases together at the department, but you know I’ll always be there to consult for you. You’re free to visit us anytime you want to get together, wolf runs and otherwise,” Josh said.

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