Joke’s on You by Lani Lynn Vale Page 0,26

get places that I can’t.”

She licked her lips, her eyes on mine, as she said, “It’s still my fault.”

I tilted her head up by placing my knuckle underneath her chin.

“The actions of others is not your fault,” I said. “Does it suck that your father made decisions for you? Yes. Does it suck that Kerrie was a piece of shit and likely did something that changed all of our lives? Doubly yes. For you. For me. For Delanie. For Bourne. He changed the course of four lives that day with his actions. But, since I can’t prove it, right now, we’re going to let it go.”

She narrowed her eyes. “We’re not letting this go.”

I snorted. “We are.”

“Why?” She all but threw her arms up in annoyance.

If she stomped her foot, I was going to kiss her.

There was no other way around it.

“Why?” she asked. “You want to know why I’m not letting this go?”

“Yes,” I said. “What’s it going to accomplish? He’s not going to tell you the truth. He doesn’t want to go to jail. And yes, you can go to jail, even all these years later. So no, he’s not going to tell you shit. And right now? Is there anything you can do other than push him?”

She ground her teeth together in annoyance.

But she did answer. “No.”

I moved so that both of my hands were cupping her face. “Then let me deal with it. You just sit there and look pretty.”

She blinked. Then blinked again.

“Did you… did you just tell me to sit there and look pretty?” she asked, outrage starting to fill her voice.

I blinked innocently at her. “Absolutely not.”

Her mouth just kept falling farther and farther open until I couldn’t help myself.

I had to dip my face down and capture her mouth with my own. And, since her mouth was open, I took advantage and swept my tongue inside, running mine over hers and causing her to gasp.

I tilted my face for better access, my tongue once again sweeping inside, and she inhaled.

Then… she kissed me back.

Her body moved in closer to mine.

Her hands clenched on the top of the towel, fisting the material tightly.

And my cock?

Yeah, it definitely loved having her hands so close to it.

I growled into her mouth, sucking her tongue, and our positions went awry when her legs nearly gave out from under her.

She would’ve gone down had I not caught her.

My back hit the cool glass of the shower, but even that didn’t stop me from pulling her close, my hand going to her ass so that it could help press my cock even harder against her.

Things went a little desperate after that.

Before I could so much as think straight, her clothes were flying, and I had her on the edge of the sink with my mouth still on hers.

I desperately reached into the medicine cabinet and snagged a condom, praying inwardly that even though they were expired, they’d be good enough.

There was no telling how old they were.

Years, at least. Many, many years.

Being a father when you were home and deployed when you weren’t, really didn’t leave me much time to do things like sex. And, when the woman that you really wanted wasn’t available to you, one tended to steer away from sex.

So yeah, needless to say, the condoms were old.

I was going to blow in three pumps.

And my brain was too filled with all things Dillan to care.

Her hand went to the towel as she clawed it away from my body—how it was still in place after all of that was astounding.

I finally got the condom out of the medicine cabinet just about the time that her tiny, warm and exceptionally soft hand found my cock and wrapped her fist around it.

I couldn’t help throwing my head back and groaning at the feeling.

“Fuck, baby.” I growled. “You feel so good with your hand wrapped around me.”

I looked down to watch as her small hand played over my hard, pulsing cock.

It looked funny.

I’d honestly never thought that my cock was tan before, but with her milky white skin pressed right up against the olive skin of my cock? The differences were there.

But goddamn did it turn me on.

A drop of pre-cum pearled at the tip, and she swiped her thumb over the head and gathered the liquid.

Then she let my cock go, resting it against her mound, and brought her thumb up to her mouth.

I watched, enraptured, as she poked her little tongue out and licked the drop Copyright 2016 - 2024