The Jock - Tal Bauer Page 0,89

kisses on every exposed inch of skin they could reach. When the bottle was finished, Justin looped his arms around Wes’s neck and pulled him down to the blanket again. He ran his fingers over Wes’s face, traced the lines of his jaw and his wide smile. Wes kissed his temple, his shoulder, sucked a hickey into the curve of his pec as Justin laughed and wrapped his legs around Wes’s thighs. Their cocks, hot and hard and aching again, brushed together.

Justin bit his lip. Shifted and arched his back. Tried to push his ass against Wes’s cock.

Wes twirled Justin’s hair in his fingers. “You’re the only person I’ve ever been with.” His eyes were like slivers of moonlight caught on the edge of a lake.

Justin’s heart hammered. What would the next words out of Wes’s mouth be? I want to experiment. I want to see what else is out there. Maybe I do want to sleep with a girl, see what it’s like. Can we open this up? We’re not monogamous, right?

“I get tested every year as part of my physical,” Wes said, his voice so soft Justin had to strain to hear him, even though they were less than an inch apart. “I was tested again in August. Everything came back negative.”

Oh God. Now Justin’s heart hammered for a totally different reason. “I, um. I get tested at my annual physical, too. My last one was before I came back to school. After you and I, in Paris. And yeah. Everything was negative.”

“Do you… Could we—” Wes’s sudden inhale trembled. “I want to be yours, completely. I want to make love to you without the condom,” he finished in a rush. “But if you don’t want that, I mean, that’s fine. It’s okay—”

Justin shushed him with a kiss. “I promised myself I wouldn’t do that until it was serious. That I’d use condoms every time, until I was with someone I thought I could be with forever.”

A firefly flitted from left to right behind Wes’s head.

“I think that man might be you. I know I want him to be you.”

Wes’s exhale nearly blew him away. He collapsed on top of Justin and wrapped his big arms all the way around him, clinging to him, every muscle Justin could feel shaking. Justin stroked his hands over Wes’s shoulders, down his arms, up his triceps. “I want to make this work. However we need to, and whatever that looks like.”

“So do I.” Wes’s voice was watery. He hid his face against Justin’s neck. “I’m so sorry for what I did. What I said to you. I’m so sor—”

“Shhh.” He pulled Wes up and kissed him again. “That’s our past. Don’t think about it anymore. Think about our future. The next moment, when I kiss you.” He did. “And the moment after that, when you make love to me again.”

Wes blinked, his breath hot against Justin’s lips, his heavy cock brushing against Justin’s thigh. Justin was still somewhat slick from earlier, and it didn’t take much lube to get him ready again. Wes’s hands trembled when he held his bare cock against Justin’s hole. “Are you sure?” Wes whispered.

Justin nodded. He hooked his ankle around Wes’s waist. “I love you, cowboy.”

Wes smiled, and he entered Justin again, easier this time, but so, so different. Skin to skin, body to body, heat to heat. Heart to soul. He slid all the way in, every inch buried inside Justin, and froze. Wes trembled, his hands gripping Justin’s thighs, his hips. “Justin.” His voice was lighter than the starlight. “Justin, my God.”

“Mon amour,” Justin moaned. There was nothing between them, nothing at all. Wes, the man he loved, was inside him. Touching him where no one else ever had, in a way no one else ever had. Maybe no one else ever would. If Wes was the only man he took inside him like this, he’d be happy with that. Deliriously happy, in fact. I want you to be the one. Please, let us be an epic love story.

Wes moved more slowly than before, savoring each press and pull of their bodies. Justin rocked with him, moving his hips, his ass, in time with Wes’s gentle thrusts. He pushed Wes back and crawled into his lap, sitting on his cock as Wes’s big hands wrapped around his back and slid up his spine, holding him tight as they rocked and swayed and kissed until they were dizzy. Eventually he threaded their fingers together, holding Copyright 2016 - 2024