The Jock - Tal Bauer Page 0,85

and over and over on the jumbotron. Wes, gazing up at the student section, a wide smile breaking over his face before he turned those big shy eyes back to the game. One of the screaming dots in the student section behind Wes was Justin, bellowing his heart out for the love of his life.

Everyone else watched the game, but Justin watched Wes, even when he wasn’t on the field. After his plays, he jogged right to the coach’s side, downing water as he mopped his sweat with a team towel. He and his coach compared notes, Wes sharing his thoughts from the field as the coach listened, then gave his insights. Wes listened to his coach and to the offensive and defensive coordinators, and then he would move off. He headed to his teammates and high-fived each, then crouched down to chat. He stood with Colton and mimed throwing the football for him, focusing on his feet. Colton nodded, then laughed. He and Wes giggled on the sideline like the boys and best friends they were.

Justin’s heart swelled. He was going to die before this game was over, either from an aneurysm or from overdosing on his love for Wes. It felt like he'd injected pure Wes into his veins, like being in the stadium was stepping into Wes’s soul. He’d used to roll his eyes at the football players on his high school campus, so full of themselves, like they were the hottest shit to set foot on the earth. Stuck-up, arrogant pricks. All football players were that way, he’d decided.

Wes was so, so different. So giving. Especially of himself. He was a leader, not just on the field but off. A friend, and a good one, based on the smiles he got from his teammates and the respect in everyone’s eyes.

I can’t break this team. I can’t break us apart. Coach says I can bring them all to glory.

Words Justin had gritted his teeth at and rolled his eyes over. But now, seeing it, feeling it…

He understood.

He was so goddamn lucky Wes loved him and was willing to give their love a chance, even though they’d be hiding. Whatever resentment he might have been feeling, whatever grumbles he hadn’t let out of his psyche, vanished with a pop.

By halftime, Texas was up 21–3. Florida’s one field goal had been a risky fifty-eight yard attempt, the Florida head coach desperate to avoid the humiliation of a shutout.

The teams filtered into their locker rooms. Wes, Colton, and Florida brought up the Texas rear, stopping by the student section to goof around and shake hands and let the students knock on their helmets for good luck. One of the wide receivers leaped up onto the padded wall, falling back into the sea of hands and screaming fans like he was about to go crowd surfing. He could have, too, but after only a few seconds, he jumped back down, and he, Wes, Colton, and everyone else headed to the locker room. Wes spun around, gazing at the student section as he jogged backward all the way into the tunnel.

Justin texted his dad during the half, comparing their thoughts on the game. Total blowout was his dad’s verdict. Proof positive that Wes Van de Hoek was a one-in-a-million player. You don’t see that kind of talent but once a decade, if that. That boy has worked his ass off, and it shows.

Yes he has.

It’s good to see you smiling again. :) I guess you’re there with someone?

You could say that.

I hope whoever you’re with, he’s making you happy. He gets a thumbs up from me if he got you to go to a game!

LOL Dad. Yeah, he’s a good guy.

Bring him home. Happy to meet him.

After the half, the team ran onto the field to even wilder cheers and stomps, the stadium even more energized after the phenomenal first half. Wes jogged to the student section for more high fives and handshakes, then repeated his fist to his heart and point to the stands. Justin blew him a kiss, imagined it sailing down to the field and through Wes’s face mask, landing on his cheek.

By the end of the third, the game was over. Wes put another touchdown on the board, and then one of the receivers caught a deep pass as Wes helped block, giving Colton the extra time in the pocket to set up the perfect throw. When the fourth quarter started, the second string was in the game, Copyright 2016 - 2024