The Jock - Tal Bauer Page 0,147

his dad’s hold, and Graham held him, wrapping his hand around the back of Wes’s neck as he whispered into his ear. Justin saw the shape of his lips, saw Graham tell Wes he was so proud, and that he loved him, and that Wes had grown into the man he’d always dreamed Wes would be. And again, that he was proud, so damn proud, of who Wes was.

Wes came out of his father’s hold and wiped his eyes on the bottom of his jersey. Graham kissed his forehead and stepped back, smiling at Justin. Justin wrapped Wes up again, letting Wes hide his face from the cameras for a moment.

Colton appeared, tapping Wes on the shoulder and handing him a football. He waved the entire team over, and they leaped into action, forming a circle around Wes and Justin as if they’d been waiting. Colton made room in the circle for the two fathers. Justin eyed Colton and then Wes, standing in front of him.

Wes took the football in both of his hands. He faced Justin and breathed in. “This is the ball I scored the last touchdown with.” He held it out. Justin wrapped his hands around it, cradling it like he was touching Wes’s beating heart.

Wes dropped to one knee in the grass. “I promise you, Justin, that I will love you and cherish you as hard as I play this game. Harder, even.” He grinned. “I want to spend every day for the rest of my life loving you. What do you say? Can I be yours? And will you be mine?”

He dropped to his knees in front of Wes and kissed him. “Bien sûr, cowboy,” he said, beaming. “Forever.”

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Also by Tal Bauer

The Murder Between Us: M|M Romantic Suspense

The Night Of: M|M Romantic Suspense

The Executive Office Series - M|M Romantic Suspense

Enemies of the State


Enemy of My Enemy

Enemy Within

Interlude: Cavatina

The Executive Power Series



The D.C. Novels - M|M Romantic Suspense



Hell and Gone: M|M Western Romantic Suspense

A Time to Rise: M|M Paranormal Romantic Suspense

Splintered: M|M Paranormal Romantic Suspense

Soul on Fire: M|M Romantic Suspense

His First Time: Gay Erotic Short Stories

Excerpt from The Murder Between Us

Please enjoy this excerpt from

The Murder Between Us

available at Amazon and on Kindle Unlimited.

It’s Vegas. This city was built for people to come and shake out all their bad decisions. All their… curiosities.

Noah wove his way through the casino hall, sidestepping for a waitress balancing an overloaded tray in one hand. He smiled. She smiled back.

His friend James spun and watched her walk away, whistling as he stared at her long legs encased in sheer black stockings. Her skirt ended at the tops of her thighs. More than a few guys were breaking their necks to watch as she sashayed down the casino hallway amid the whirs and jangles and frantic chimes pouring out of the rows and rows of slot machines. Even some of the guys at the blackjack tables turned to look at her.

She glanced back and met Noah’s gaze again. She winked. A slow smile unfurled over her perfect face.

“Dude!” James grabbed at Noah’s arm and almost walked backward into one of the pillars lining the hall. Noah grabbed him with both hands, steadying him before he fell into a crowd of Japanese tourists. “She smiled at you, man. Go back there! C’mon, go on. You definitely have an in!”

Noah shook his head. The rest of their group slowed to a tipsy halt, forming a loose bubble around Noah and James. They were practically carbon copies of each other: seven guys lurching toward middle age with mostly flat stomachs and most of their hair still on top of their heads. They were all dressed the same, even: khakis and a polo, but some of the guys had left behind their sport coats before dinner. They were the ones wearing the fanny packs around their waists.

“Go on!” James tried to push Noah after the waitress who had simply smiled at him, a gentle flirtation after he’d stepped aside to ease her way.

He wasn’t kidding himself. There was no way a woman like her—gorgeous, with a perfect body, and young enough to make him uncomfortable—would ever want him chasing her down.

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