The Jock - Tal Bauer Page 0,139

his skin, over the scars left behind after the scabs had fallen off. He loved this man so much. Loved all the ways Wes came together, all the parts and pieces that made Wes himself. Loved how much he loved Justin, and loved football, and loved his friends. Loved his dedication, the way he gave every bit of himself to who and what he loved. It still left Justin breathless sometimes, how the love of his life had simply waltzed into his life in the middle of Paris. He’d gone around the world to find adventure, and he’d found a football-playing cowboy who stole his heart and ran away with it.

Well, Wes could keep it. He could keep it for the rest of his life.

Wes pulled out and guided Justin on top of him. Justin tipped his head back and groaned as he sank down on Wes. Wes filled him up so perfectly, every single time. His skin tingled, and he took Wes’s hands in his as he started to ride, to grind up and down on Wes’s cock until Wes was panting and gritting his teeth, and his fingers were squeezing Justin’s, and his arms were shaking and his thighs were trembling. “Justin,” he breathed. “I’m close.”

Justin grabbed his own cock, rock hard against his belly, and stroked. He loved coming with Wes, loved feeling Wes erupt inside him as his own orgasm made his body clench. He leaned forward, kissing Wes, and Wes grabbed his ass in both hands as he pistoned his hips, driving his cock in and out. Wes gasped against Justin’s lips, and Justin felt it, felt the heat and the fullness inside him. He went right over the edge with Wes, cursing as he spilled over Wes’s abdomen. His ass milked Wes so hard a groan punched out of Wes, loud in the silent house.

Justin held his hand over Wes’s mouth as they both went still. Justin giggled silently, twisting as he tried to hold his laughter inside. They waited, frozen, listening.

Someone, somewhere in the house, let out a long, low wolf whistle.

Justin buried his face in Wes’s neck and laughed.

Friday’s practice didn’t start until the afternoon, and everyone slept in. Except for Justin.

He slipped downstairs and started making pancakes and eggs and bacon, and he fired up all six coffee makers. The smells drifted upstairs, and he heard the guys start to rise and shuffle downstairs. It was different, seeing all these guys he watched on the field and saw on ESPN now with their bed head and boxers and sleepy faces. He smiled as they made their way through the kitchen, grabbing coffee and plates of breakfast and grunting their thanks. Art kissed him on the cheek and said, “Bless you,” and Josh, with his mouth stuffed full of pancake, tried to tell Wes he’d picked a good boyfriend. It came out a carb-stuffed warble and ended with a yawn.

The first few hours of practice was a closed team meeting, so Justin spent the afternoon with his dad, shopping for furniture and decor for his new place before stopping for drinks downtown. They walked to the stadium for the end of practice and watched the team scrimmage, offense against defense. Both were on fire, and each managed to hold the other in place. They all took a knee after, and Coach Young told them to go home and get some rest and prepare for the game tomorrow.

Justin saw Colton smack Wes on the arm when Coach Young said to rest. He felt his cheeks flush, and then flush harder when his dad picked up on what was going on and cleared his throat. His dad looked away, smothering his own embarrassed grin.

Saturday morning broke brisk and beautiful, with a clear blue sky overhead and a light wind. Perfect football weather, crisp enough that little clouds of breath puffed in front of everyone in the stadium. Justin and Nick watched from their seats at the fifty-yard line, dead center in the front row on the Texas sideline. Nick had bought resale tickets online, and he wouldn’t tell Justin how much he spent. “It doesn’t matter,” he said. “I want to watch my son’s boyfriend with my son beside me. There isn’t a price to put on that.”

They clapped and cheered when the team ran on the field, leaping to their feet and screaming along with the crowd. There were no boos this week. Coverage on ESPN leading up to the game had been Copyright 2016 - 2024