The Jock - Tal Bauer Page 0,136

time I was this certain in my life was when I held my newborn son and knew I loved him more than life itself.” He nudged Justin’s foot under the table. “Okay, we need to change the subject. We’re going to Wes’s practice after this, and if you look like you’ve been crying, Wes is going to be mad at me. Tell me about the ballet Wes took you to. Which, let me say, that’s about the most romantic thing anyone could do. The ballet in Paris? Jeez, Wes, go ahead and make the rest of us men look bad, will ya?”

Justin tipped his head back and laughed, and Nick’s heart soared.

He was making the right choice.

Chapter Thirty-Four

“Water break! Take ten!” Coach blew the whistle and called the rest of his coaches together as the team took a knee. The linemen all rolled to their backs, spread-eagle on the grass, to catch their breath. Colton tried to squirt water into Art’s and Patrick’s mouths, but most ended up splashing on their faces. Josh grabbed Colton’s ankle and told him he’d put him in the dirt if he tried it on him. Colton laughed and then crossed the field to Wes.

Wes flipped through the team’s playbook, reviewing notes the coaches had scribbled during each run-through. “Hey,” he said when Colton jogged over. He took the water bottle Colton handed him. “Look at this. I think we need to tighten up the line on these plays. There’s an opening for the defense to chip their way through.”

“Huh. I didn’t see that before.” Colton peered over Wes’s shoulder.

“I could feel it on the line. I think we need to work on a few of these plays some more.”

“Yeah, I also want to do some more pass routes with all the receivers. I think we can tighten up timing there, too.”

“Definitely, but we’ve got to get the line solid or you won’t have the time you need in the pocket to get the ball thrown to anyone.”

“Makes sense.” Colton grinned. “Good eyes, Captain. Oh, hey, look who’s here.” He waved to the stands.

Wes turned as Colton launched his football into the bleachers, right at Justin and Nick as they came down the steps to the fifty-yard line. Wes saw Justin’s eyes go wide right before Nick stepped in front of him and plucked Colton’s pass out of the air with both hands.

“All right!” Colton threw his arms up. “Not bad for an old man!” He held his hands out for Nick to throw the ball back.

“Nick isn’t old. And Orlando said he almost kicked your ass.”

“What?” Colton stumbled, glancing between Nick and Wes as Nick launched the ball back at him. He had to run to make the catch. “Dude, he didn’t kick my ass.” Colton spun the ball in his hands. He nodded to Nick, who waved and sat beside Justin, stretching out his long legs and leaning back. “I mean, he was kinda intense. He busted into a football house and was trying to throw down. That takes some fucking balls. I thought Patrick was going to dribble him into the street.”

“He’s a good guy. I like him.”

“I fucking hope so.” Colton snorted. “Considering you’re probably gonna marry his son.”

Wes grinned. “Think Justin will say yes when I ask?”

“Does a bear shit in the woods?”

Wes laughed, and he jogged to the bleachers to meet Justin, who was coming down to the railing overlooking the sideline. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself.” Justin ran his fingers through Wes’s sweaty hair. “How’s practice?”

“Great. We’ve got a good rhythm. We’re finding our timing together again. It feels good to be with everyone out here.”

“You look good. How are you feeling?”

“Tired. A little sore. But it’s a good sore.”

“Good sore, huh? Sounds like me after you make love to me.” Justin winked, and Wes felt himself flush. “I’ll have to give you a massage after practice, cowboy.”

“You going to come home with us?”

“I was planning on it.” Justin’s breath hitched. “If that’s still okay?”

“More than okay.” Wes grabbed the railing and pulled himself up, then leaned forward and laid a kiss on Justin’s lips. “I can’t wait.”

Justin grabbed his face and kissed him again before Wes dropped out of his chin-up. “Go kick ass, cowboy.”

Wes backed away, his smile so wide it made his cheeks ache. “I’m going to win the game for you, mon amour.”

“Promise?” Justin grinned.

“Oui. I promise.”

After practice, Justin showed up at the jock house with a duffel and a case of beer. Colton opened the door Copyright 2016 - 2024