Joan and the Juggernaut (Alien Abduction #9) - Honey Phillips Page 0,57

is being mistreated. We will remove her from his possession.”

“Can’t we do that now?”

“No,” Baralt and Varga said simultaneously.

“We do not know who else could be inside, and I will not take the chance while there are three females in my care,” Baralt continued.

“Our care,” Varga added firmly.

“I will send instructions as soon as we reach my residence,” Baralt promised.

Looking from Baralt to Varga, she realized it wasn’t a battle she would win. Further up the street, Saka and Polly were huddled next to Njkall. Both females looked frightened. She sighed and gave in. “Then let’s hurry.”

Varga knew his female wasn’t happy, but he agreed with Baralt. This was not the time to rescue the unfortunate slave. He had no doubt that Baralt would follow through on his promise to take care of her.

Baralt’s house was on the very edge of town, looking out across a vast plain to the mountains where the caves of his tribe were located. A high stone wall surrounded the house, with a guard at the gate.

“Is this much security necessary?” he asked Baralt quietly.

“Perhaps not, but trying to instill law and order in the town is not a quick process. There have been too many years of lawlessness. Since I cannot be with her at all times, I want to know that my mate is safe.”

Varga followed his friend through the gate, trying to suppress a hint of doubt. Would a guard, even one for her own protection, remind Joan of her ordeal?

She didn’t seem bothered right now, looking around with appreciative eyes before Izzie, Baralt’s mate, came rushing out to meet them. She was a short, curvy human with golden skin and dark curls, glowing with health. She too had been abused, but she seemed to have put it behind her, and Varga hoped that the other females would be able to as well.

“I’m so excited to meet you. All of you. Come in out of the cold.” Izzie led the way into a large entrance hall and helped them remove their outer clothing while Baralt introduced everyone. Her eyes widened as Polly shed her cloak and revealed her filthy, naked body. They widened even further when Polly took Njkall’s hand.

“Umm, okay. Would anyone like something to eat? Or drink?”

“Actually, I brought some cookies,” Joan said nervously as she pulled out the bag of treats.

“Cookies? Really? I haven’t had a cookie since…” Izzie bit her lip, and Baralt put his arm around her.

“I’m sorry,” Joan said quickly. “I just thought you might enjoy them.”

“I remember those,” Taliane said eagerly. “They’re very good.”

“I’m sure they are.” Izzie’s smile looked a little forced as she led the way into the comfortable living room. “Let’s have some tea to go with them.”

By the time the tea was poured, she seemed to have regained her composure, and when she bit into one of Joan’s cookies, her smile was completely genuine. “These are delicious.”

Joan’s cheeks colored as they always did when she received a compliment. “Thank you.”

“I’m afraid I’m not a very good cook,” Izzie admitted. “Baralt’s sister Zemma is trying to teach me.”

“Joan is an excellent cook,” he said firmly. “And she would like to apply for a position in the restaurant of your resort.”

“That’s an excellent idea,” Izzie said immediately. “Don’t you think so, Njkall?”

Varga knew that Njkall was overseeing the project, and he was relieved when the male nodded immediately.

Izzie grinned at Joan. “Good. Do you think you could put together some menus for us?”

“I can try. I’ll have to find out what you have available locally.”

“Of course. Maybe we should go and visit Zemma tomorrow.”

“Or she can come here,” Baralt interrupted. “The town has been restless lately.”

Izzie rolled her eyes and turned back to Joan. She began describing their plans for the resort, and Njkall and Saka were soon drawn into the conversation.

“Here.” Varga looked up to see Baralt handing him a glass of dark liquid.

“Aldarian whiskey?” He raised a brow but didn’t refuse the glass. “I practically had to carry you back to your mate last time we indulged.”

Baralt laughed. “Just a glass tonight, but I think this is an occasion worth celebrating. You have found your mate.”

“It is indeed something to celebrate,” he agreed, watching Joan laugh. He took a sip of the whiskey, relishing the smooth burn as it slid down his throat.

“And you are going to stay here on Hothrest, despite your professed hatred of ice planets?” Baralt raised a shaggy brow.

“As long as my female is content.”

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