Joan and the Juggernaut (Alien Abduction #9) - Honey Phillips Page 0,22

Aerie, was my one indulgence.”

“Why a ship?”

“Because it was mine. Because it meant that I always had a home. And perhaps a little because I enjoyed being surrounded by beautiful things.” He reached down and ran a finger down her cheek.

“Did you ever go home again?”

“Once. It was after I had that second contract, and I was sitting in my quarters feeling annoyed because the air temperature was a few degrees warmer than I preferred. Then I remembered what it had been like back on Sorvid.”

“I had a friend that I had grown up with and I went back to get him. I think I had some illusion that I would be rescuing him. He just laughed and refused to leave. ‘Better the hell I know,’ he said. I’m not sure if he truly didn’t believe that anywhere else was better or if he was scared to take a chance on an alternative.” He shrugged again. “That was the last time I tried to rescue anyone.”

“Until you came for me,” she said softly.

“Correct as always, little bird.”

She hummed thoughtfully but changed the subject. “Why did you leave Sorvid?”

“It’s not exactly a pleasant place to live,” he said dryly but decided not to elaborate. She didn’t need to hear about the horrors of his home planet. “And there was nothing to keep me there.”

“You don’t have any family?”

The familiar ache shot through him, still painful after all these years. “Not anymore.”

“I’m so sorry. Even though I know I’ll never see mine again, it’s comforting to know that they’re still out there, to think of them going about their daily business.”

Despite her words, her expression was wistful. He sat down next to her and gathered her into his arms. She snuggled against him and he couldn’t help responding to the feel of her body. Her eyes widened as she looked up at him.

“Are you… are you aroused?”

“I am always aroused when you are near,” he said truthfully.

She looked thoughtful, her fingers moving slowly over his chest. “Do you think we’re going to get out of here?”

“Eventually.” He didn’t add that he suspected the guards would be the ones to get them out—in which case, their fates might be even more unpleasant. He would fight to his last breath to protect her, but despite his fighting name of the Juggernaut, he wasn’t invincible, and he could be stopped.

Her fingers dropped even lower, skating along the edge of his pants now, and he caught his breath as she brushed against the swollen head of his cock. He expected her to move away, but she lingered, rubbing her thumb back and forth and gathering the liquid that began to coat his shaft. She looked up at him, and then very deliberately licked her thumb before sucking it into her mouth.

“Did I mention last night that you taste wonderful?”

“You are testing my self-control,” he growled.

“Am I? Good, because you test mine.”

With surprising speed, she straddled him, assuming the same position he had put her in the night before. He could have stopped her, of course, but the pleasure of having her so close to him was greater than his concern over their circumstances. Her fingers traced the edge of his pants once more before she unfastened them, letting his cock spring free.

“Mmm. I want to taste you again,” she whispered.

“Later. It’s my turn to discover you.”

Before she could object, he had her on her back, his face between her sweet little thighs. Even that wasn’t enough, and he spread her legs further apart so that every succulent inch was open to him. Even in the dim light, he could see that the delicate folds were flushed and glistening. He bent his head and took a long, satisfying swipe from her tempting entrance to her small pleasure nub. Mmm. She was every bit as delicious as he had anticipated.

Her hands clutched his head, burying themselves in the short length of his hair. “Varga! You can’t.”

“I most certainly can.” He didn’t raise his head as he spoke, and he felt her quiver as his hot breath washed over her folds.


Whatever protest she had been about to make disappeared as he gently sucked her clit into his mouth. Instead, she gasped and arched into his touch, her body twisting restlessly. That’s better. He wanted her to focus only on what she was feeling.

He began to worship her with his tongue, licking and sucking until the small bead was throbbing in his mouth. As her body started to tighten, he Copyright 2016 - 2024