Jilted Jock - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,83

– I was more nervous about that then I had been for my own race.

I wasn’t one hundred percent sure where I needed to be in the course, so I headed to find Chuck for my orders.

I felt lighter than I had since she’d left and just as soon as I realized it, some of that lightness faded. That’s the thing about trying to move on from a broken heart, one thought, one reminder of the past and that progress takes a step backward.

I was taking one step forward, literally and figuratively, when the past and present all collided, and there she was. My future. She stood ten feet in front of me, blue eyes wide with nerves and a hesitant smile on her lips. As many times as I’d tried to picture it any other way, it only took seeing her again to know in my soul that she was it. I’d do anything to be the man she wanted and needed.

Walking toward her, I reminded myself to breathe. My memories hadn’t captured her accurately. She wasn’t just beautiful; she was fucking radiant. A majestic unicorn. The eighth wonder of the world, or my world anyway.

I stopped in front of her, heart beating like a drum in my chest. “Hi.”

“Hi.” She smiled, gave a small wave, and then interlocked her hands in front of her.

Someone patted me on the shoulder and told me great work as I just stared at her memorizing every detail and skipping straight past all the formalities to determine what her being here meant.

“This is amazing, Finn. Chance told me about it. It’s really great. I didn’t even know this group existed.”

I swallowed thickly. “It was founded just last year.”

She nodded and we stared at one another some more.

“I’m sorry. I can’t believe you’re here. I’d hug you, but I’m pretty dirty.”

“Yeah, I should have called. I wasn’t sure I was going to come. I sat in the parking lot for an hour changing my mind every time I decided one way or another.”

“I’m glad you did. It’s good to see you. Are you in town for the weekend?”

“Yes.” She nodded. “I mean no. I got back last night. New York was an adventure, but California is my home.”

My hopes lifted, but only for a split second. Just because she’d moved back didn’t mean she’d changed her mind about me.

“Finn,” someone yelled, and I looked up to see Chuck motioning me over.

“I have to work the kid’s obstacle race.”

She held up both hands. “Oh, of course, you’re working. I just wanted to say hello and tell you that this is really cool. You’re going to make a difference in a lot of people’s lives.”

She looked like she was gonna flee and my stomach twisted into knots.

“Come with me.”

“To the obstacle course?”

“Sure. A few dozen kids kicking balls at us, could be fun. And also, I just don’t want you to leave. I’ve missed you so damn much. There’s so much I want to say to you.”

“Okay, yeah that could be fun.” Her answer was agreeable but contained none of the excitement I wanted.

“Actually, not just to the obstacle course. Come with me to dinner or coffee. Date me. Marry me.” I gave her a rueful smile. “I know that’s a lot to dump in your lap after not seeing you for three weeks, but I’m laying all my cards on the table. You own me, heart and soul. I want as much of you as you’ll give me. I always have, but before I didn’t understand how to be who you needed. I’m not saying I’m gonna get it right, but I’m saying it’ll be the most important item on my to-do list every single day. Nothing is more important to me than you.”

“Chance said you were doing the steps, but I didn’t want to believe it until now. Why? You could have any woman you want.”

“Then I choose you. A hundred times over.”

She stepped forward and pressed her body to mine. Her lips met mine slowly and tentatively. So many thoughts racing through my head at the same time. All ridiculous and all of it taking root somewhere deep and sprouting with hope and excitement.

“Yes,” she said finally after she’d stepped back, leaving me stunned.

One side of my mouth pulled up. “To which thing?”

“All of them.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I drove across the country trying to decide if I was being selfish by holding on to you.”

I started to speak, but she

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