Jilted Jock - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,78

in through the windows, I’d slept later than usual.

I pulled open the door.

“About damn time. I’ve been alternating calling and pounding on your door for thirty minutes.” Chance looked me over. “What the hell are you wearing, mate?”

Glancing down at my attire I should have been embarrassed, but if wearing every item in Adele’s suitcase was wrong then I didn’t want to be right. Panties looped around my wrist. The shirts I could get on all the way hit me somewhere in the midriff region and the ones that were too tight I had hung around my neck like necklaces. I’d even managed to get a pair of her leggings on – though they’d probably never be the same.

Sometime last night after she’d blocked my phone number, I’d had an urgent and manic need to be near her any way I could. And well, here we were.

I took off her shirts and discarded the panties as he entered my place.

“I’m here to get Adele’s stuff for her.” He raised both brows. “Really wishing I could erase this from my memory forever.”

“Give me just a minute.” In my room, I shoved her clothes in the suitcase and put on some of my own. I rolled out the suitcase. “Did she make it back to New York? I could send it to her or take it to her myself. The team plays in New York this week.”

“She’s asked me not to give you any information. I’m sorry.”

“Is she okay?”

“I think so.” He lifted the handle on the suitcase. “I know how you feel about her, but I need to ask you not to contact her anymore. Don’t try and see her or talk to her. I’m trusting her judgment on this and if she says it’s for the best then I need to honor that.”

“I can’t do that. I am what’s best for Adele. I screwed up, but I can fix this.”

Chance nodded and he headed to the door. His silence reeked of disapproval.

“Later, Finn.”

I knew he was trying to gracefully say goodbye, but I couldn’t accept that he was out of my life forever because that would mean so was Adele.

Wednesday before our game I went by Adele’s apartment. I hadn’t expected her to be home during a weekday, but I had hoped by some miracle she’d be inside. I dropped flowers and a card by her door and rushed off. I left tickets for her at will call. I wasn’t going to leave any possible avenue to get to me blocked.

She didn’t show. I went back to her place after the game to beg and plead through the door if necessary, but I was met with more silence and the flowers and card were still where I left them.

I followed the same routine for the next three days. I brought more flowers and more letters each day, but they just sat there mocking me day after day. We played New York again today and then it was back to California. So today I had to find her.

I went across the street to the café.

“Hey, handsome. Welcome back.”

Flo brought me coffee and a cinnamon roll as I was sitting down at my usual table.

“Just the coffee today. Got a game in a few hours.”

“I know. I’m hoping if I fill you with carbs and sugar, maybe you’ll take it easy on us today.”

“Us? You join the team since the last time I was in town?” She took a seat across from me. “I didn’t know you were a soccer fan.”

She motioned to the newspaper. “The evenings can be long. Plus, I might have started keeping better tabs on the sports section since you showed up in my diner.”

I sipped my coffee and glanced out the window.

“Waiting on your girl?”

My girl. My chest ached.


“You’re not saying something.”

I let out a breath. “She’s not speaking to me.”

“What happened? Last time I saw you, you couldn’t stop smiling because you two had finally worked things out.”

“I screwed up.”


I shrugged. “It has to be.”

A family of five walked through the door and Flo stood. “Good luck.”

I waited as long as I could, but Adele didn’t come home, and I had to get to the stadium.

Same thing after the game. I checked to see if she’d picked up her ticket – she hadn’t – and then headed back to her place. I had two hours before the team plane left and next to no idea where to find her outside of her apartment and work. I

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