Jilted Jock - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,64

couch together were better than any dates I’ve been on. If you need to slow down to catch up to how I feel, we can do that. But I don’t need it. I already know I want to keep you; I don’t need a date or ten to figure that out.”

I picked up the phone and hit the FaceTime button. She accepted a second later and I was staring into those blue eyes I’d missed like hell. She thought I could go weeks, as in plural, without seeing her? Girl was crazy.

“You’re pretty sweet when you want to be.”

“Does that mean I can come?”

“Yes, I’d love to see you, Finn.”

My plane was delayed, so I didn’t get into New York until after eight on Friday morning. Adele was already at work, so I took a nap, and then ventured out to meet her for lunch.

Grabbing flowers on top of the ones that should have been delivered seemed like overkill, but I didn’t want to show up empty-handed. A café one block before her building came into view. A cupcake store with bright colors and the smell of sugar so thick in the air I swore I could taste it. There was a short line, so I stared at the many flavors while I waited.

Chocolate wasn’t just chocolate, it was Triple Choco Addict. A red one with hot pink sparkles was Dazzling Strawberry. And so on and so forth. A man couldn’t ask for any one of them without sounding ridiculous, but when it came my turn, I leaned on the counter with one hip and with the straightest face I could muster, asked, “Can I get a dozen of the Better Than Sex cupcakes?”

The girl behind the counter bit back a smile.

“Should I have gone with Orgasmic Vanilla instead?”

Her cheeks pinked.

“They’re for my girlfriend.”

“I’d go with half of each.”

Adele walked out of her building at noon on the dot, eyed me with a large hot pink box and smiled hesitantly. “What’s in the box?”

“You’ll see.”

“Where are we going? I’m starving.”

“I was hoping you’d be okay with letting me stuff you full of sugar and kiss you senseless. I didn’t plan on real food. We can grab something else though, if you prefer?”

She giggled and linked her arm through mine. “Sounds perfect.”

We found a bench outside a small park. Adele’s eyes widened and her smile was bigger than I’d ever seen as I lifted the box on the cupcakes.

“Those look divine.” She went for the chocolate one, lifting it from the box and testing the frosting by running her index finger along the edge and bringing it to her mouth to sample.

“Better than sex?”

“Excuse me?”

I took a big bite out of an Orgasmic Vanilla and tried to talk around it. “The name of the flavor.”

Once she’d taken a small nibble, I asked. “So, is it?”

She blushed. “No.”

“Try this one. It’s Orgasmic Vanilla.” I fed her from my half-eaten cupcake.

“Mmmm. That one is good too.”

We shared our cupcakes with each other and when I offered her another, she shook her head. I set the box on the bench next to me and moved closer.

“Did you really think we were going to eat twelve cupcakes for lunch?” She asked, smiling.

“Didn’t know how hungry you’d be.” I dipped my head to take her lips with mine. I kissed her softly. A tougher challenge than it sounded. I’d waited for months to be able to kiss her whenever I wanted, but some part of me also realized she needed to know the things I wanted from her went beyond physical.

“I’ll make it up to you tonight with real food. Dinner anywhere you want.”

She smiled. “Deal. Now kiss me like you mean it. I’ve only got fifteen minutes until I have to get back.”

Anywhere she wanted turned out to be her place. We went shopping for groceries together, which turned out to be fun. She perused the vegetables and I perused her.

Even though I knew she wasn’t much for cooking, I let her order me around in the kitchen. Adele wielding a sharp knife was a little scary. Hot, but scary.

“Learned to cook, I see.”

“Not really. I finally admitted defeat that I’m never going to be the next Gordon Ramsay and found one simple thing I could cook. Literally, I Googled the easiest recipe on the planet and found this fifteen-minute pasta meal. I have it at least twice a week.”

We sat on the couch with our food and caught up on life. We’d talked on

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