Jilted Jock - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,59

again. “I have to go to work.”

“Alright. Lead the way. I’ll talk.”

Hesitantly, she took a step and then another.

“How’ve you been?”

She didn’t answer.

“Were you surprised when Chance showed up?” I chuckled nervously. “I can’t believe they drove across the country with that damn goat.”

Adele halted abruptly. “Just stop and tell me why you’re here. Did Chance tell you that Richard and I broke up? Is that what this is? Because just because I’m single, doesn’t mean you can swoop in and—”

“You and Richard broke up?” I wanted to drop to my knees and kiss the ground in thanks or maybe just drop her to the ground and kiss her instead. I hadn’t thought to look at her left hand, but I did now and found it gloriously ring free.

“You didn’t know?” She narrowed her eyes and watched my face carefully as I answered.

“No, I swear it.”

Some of the rigidness she carried softened. “Finn, what are you doing here?”

“I had to see you. I needed to know if you were okay.”

“I’m just fine. Contrary to what everyone thinks, I can take care of myself. I don’t need Richard or Chance and I definitely don’t need you.”


“I didn’t mean that you weren’t capable on your own. It’s just since you left, there’s this emptiness inside and I needed to see you in person to know if you felt it too. I swear sometimes it’s like I dreamed the whole thing.”

“What thing?”

“Me and you.”

“There was no me and you.”

“But there was. There so was. It was in every smile, every annoyed glare. The small moments. Making dinner, watching TV… maybe I really did imagine it. If I did, then I’ll walk away and accept that it was all me, but I don’t think it was, Adele.”

I’d been blabbering on and hadn’t realized we’d stopped in front of her building. “Can I see you later?”

“I have plans. My brother is only in town for another day or two and I want to spend some time with them.”

“What about after they go back to their hotel tonight? CJ’s gotta go to bed early, right?”

Her mouth pulled into a tight line.

“Don’t answer now. Just promise me you’ll think about it. I’ll be at the diner across the street if you can make it.”

She nodded.

I hoped she’d come tonight, but if not, this would be my last chance. I reached out and grabbed her hand. “I’ve missed you.”

She lingered only a second before pulling away. “I have to get to work.” A hint of sadness tugged at her voice. “Bye Finn.”


Flo took a seat opposite me in the booth. “Wow, you clean up nice. I’m gonna need a new nickname for you because Handsome isn’t cutting it.”

“You could just call me by my name, it’s—”

“Finn McCash. I know. I saw it on your credit card last night. I looked you up. Not an international spy.”

“Told you.”

“Tell me, what is a California soccer star doing in New York?”

I fiddled with the mug of coffee in front of me.

“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.” She smiled. “I must have been thrown off by that accent and charming face.”


“You’re here for a girl. Who is it? A supermodel? An actress?” She leaned in close and whispered. “I won’t tell a soul. Cross my heart.”

“She’s none of those things,” I said. “Better than all of them combined.”

“A normal girl that’s swept you off your feet. How Matt Damon of you.”

“What about you, Flo? Dating an actor? No wait, a rock star?”

She shook her head. “Believe it or not, I’m dating a politician.”

Well that did have me intrigued, but before I could ask, she smiled and started in again.

“So, this normal girl. Where is she?”

I glanced across the street. “Trying to decide if I’m worth it, I guess.”

It was after dark. Adele came back with Chance’s clan nearly an hour ago and then his family piled into a cab and Adele went inside her building alone. Which meant there wasn’t anything stopping her from being here.

Flo stood. “Cinnamon roll?”

“Nah. I’m good. Thanks, Flo.”

I flipped through today’s paper until I got to the Dear Ida column. Today’s unfortunate soul had fallen in love with a narcissist. Love seemed to be the crux of everyone’s problems.

When I’d read the paper twice and had enough coffee to keep me awake for days, I finally paid, accepted a sympathetic smile from Flo, and walked outside.

I was frustrated and angry and feeling just reckless enough that instead of accepting defeat, I stormed

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