Jilted Jock - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,38

we’ve gone.”

“Why’d you stop?”

“Everyone got busy, settled down, had kids.”

“We should go camping sometime.”

“Sure.” He yawned, not sounding all that excited, but I didn’t care. Richard was a camper. That had to be a sign.

“I should let you get to sleep.”

“Alright. I’m excited to see you.”

“Two more sleeps.”

He yawned again. “One and a half.”


Bobbi pulled a piece of paper off the printer and then slapped it down on my desk. “Why does technology hate me?”

I glanced down at the paper. She’d tried to print a report formatted in landscape, but the settings were in portrait resulting in half the sheet being cut off.

I laughed, tossed it in the garbage and pulled up the documents from our internal shared drive and printed it correctly.

“What will I do without you?”

“It’s only one day. You’ll manage.”

“For now, but they’d be crazy not to hire you. And if they don’t, someone else will swoop you up fast.”

I had mixed emotions about the whole thing. Equally wanting to find a job quickly but not wanting to leave.

“Do you want to grab dinner after work?”

“Oh, I…”

I don’t know what compelled me to look up at that moment, but my eyes went to the entrance and the man that filled it.

“What is it?” Bobbi asked and turned so she could see what I was staring at.

I was vaguely aware of her sharp intake of breath and of the sudden attention his presence was attracting from everyone in the office as he slowly walked toward me.

“Hey,” he said when he reached me.

“Hey.” I sat there stunned. Finn in my office was as unexpected as a rabid racoon. Also, decidedly just as distracting.

Bobbi cleared her throat. I still gawked without speaking another syllable until Finn took it upon himself to do the introductions.

“I’m Finn,” he said as he extended a hand.

“Bobbi.” There were practically hearts in her eyes.

He took it all in stride, smiling genuinely at her and letting her grip his hand longer than was polite. When she finally let go, he looked back to me and trained that genuine smile my direction. Was Finn capable of faking anything? He was always just so… himself. Or maybe that’s just what I wanted to believe to make the past week of our slow building friendship seem more real.

“What are you doing here?”

“I had to take the opportunity to see where you work.” He glanced around. “Pretty nice.”

“Do you want a tour?” I asked, feeling lame about the whole thing but having no clue what to do with him standing in front of me.

“I don’t want to interrupt, I just wanted to see what time you get off.”

I shook my head, still completely rattled that he was here in my freaking office. I was suddenly glad I would be out of the office tomorrow. Maybe my three-day weekend would give the office rumor mill a chance to find something else to talk about.

Who was I kidding? They’d be talking about Finn until an equally famous or hot guy walked into the office. So basically forever.

“Adele?” Finn’s smile fell slightly while I stared at him in confusion.

“Sorry. What did you say?”

“I asked what time you got off work?”

Harry must have noticed the change in atmosphere because he came out of his office, straightening his tie, and plastered on the welcoming smile he reserved for prospective clients.

“Hi, Harry Beecham. How can we help you?”

“Actually, I’m a friend of Adele’s. Thought I’d stop by and see what time she got off work.”

“Oh.” Harry looked to me in surprise.

“Harry, this is Finn McCash.”

Harry had no idea who Finn was and he’d be humiliated later, but I figured if Finn wanted him to know more than his name, he’d offer it up.

“Pleasure.” Harry extended his hand and Finn took it.


Harry stepped back and placed both hands on his hips. “You two must go way back. Did you go to school together in Australia?”

“Not quite that far back, but it feels like forever.” Finn’s gaze locked on me as he said it. His tone was teasing, but it made my stomach flip anyway. God, he could put on the charm when he wanted.

“You should take off. Go catch up,” Harry said. “We’ve got it covered.” He checked with Bobbi who nodded and then waved me off. “Go.”

I wavered for only a few seconds. I never left early, but I’d already made sure everything was covered for tomorrow and it was after four. It wasn’t likely something urgent would come up between now and close.

Finn looked to

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