Jilted Jock - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,25

the end of it – that he’d gotten more than he could handle in my answer, but his deep baritone slid over my skin with more warmth and understanding than I’d expected.

“Do you miss it?”

“The man or the high?”

“Both, I guess.”

“No and yes. I think I always will, but I fear it more than I miss it now.”

“What happened to him… the guy? Did he stop seeing you?”

“I doubt he ever really did. Let’s just say he didn’t see me when I needed him to. Maybe he didn’t realize how his actions would impact me or if he did, he just couldn’t protect me. I guess I can’t fault his judgment when my own was so terrible.”

“What do you mean he couldn’t protect you?” Finn’s eyes darkened and he pinned me with a hard gaze that felt heavy on my skin.

I looked away, surveying the empty boxes, torn paper, and many gifts laid out on my floor. “He pissed off another dealer and I was payback. He raped and beat me to get back at Darius.”

I heard his sharp inhale and it felt like the room was devoid of air.

“It was a long time ago and not something I talk about often.”

“I’m so sorry.” His fingers found mine on the hardwood floor and just the very ends lay over the tips of my fingers in a comforting gesture.

“Thank you.” I smiled the best I could. This night had taken a turn I never could have predicted. “We’re quite a sad pair, huh?”

He didn’t smile back, which was somehow comforting. He wasn’t putting on a happy face for me.

“This is an impressive haul. What are you going to do with all of it?” I moved my hand from his and picked up a dainty champagne glass and held it up to the light. Someday at my wedding, I’d have to fill the flutes with sparkling juice or some alternative, but I’d survived and at least now I’d get one. If I’d stayed on the path I’d been on with Darius who knows where I’d be – it sure wouldn’t be living happily ever after.

“Put it all back in the boxes and donate it. Now that you can’t tell it’s the remnants of a broken relationship, someone might actually take it.”

Kitty woke up from her nap and having found the paper and bows perked right up for playtime. I picked up a ribbon and held it up for her to bat. I enjoyed how determined she was. On her third attempt, she went for my hand instead of the ribbon, clawing and biting me. It didn’t really hurt that much, but it shocked me, and I winced instinctively.

“Shit, are you okay?” Finn was beside me in a flash. He took my hand in his and inspected the small scratch. My pulse raced at his warm, gentle touch. Soft and caring.

“I’m fine. It’s just a tiny scratch.”

His thumb traced just below it. His blue eyes, the same shade as the wall behind him, bore into me. So close I could see the genuine concern and something else too – desire maybe, but that didn’t make any sense. Maybe it was the unwrapping of presents and the broken heart. All that talk about being seen. I’d blame it on my big mouth later. Because right now it felt like he saw me in a way I hadn’t been seen in years.



It was only after Finn dropped my hand and stood abruptly that I realized the voice that had called my name belonged to Richard.

Awkwardly I got to my feet. Richard looked between Finn and me and then the destruction of my living room. The lines around his eyes fanned out as his brows pulled together. I didn’t know if he was upset about being woken or finally putting a face to the name. He’d made no effort to hide his dislike for the whole situation – Finn staying with me and just… Finn.

“You must be the boyfriend.” Finn extended a hand good-naturedly and some of the displeasure on Richard’s face disappeared. He was too much of a gentleman to be outright rude. I’m pretty sure Finn could tell the difference though.

“Richard, this is Finn McCash.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” Richard said, shaking Finn’s hand.

“Likewise. You’ve got a great girl.”

“Adele’s the best.”

They gripped hands for longer than I thought necessary, Finn stepping back first. “Well, I should clean this up and get to bed. Thanks for your help.”

“Uh, yeah, you’re welcome.” I stood next to Richard

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