Jetta - Raven Kennedy Page 0,58

about it.

“Uh, you’re welcome,” she mumbles before lifting her leg and trying to shake him off. He just holds on more and starts laughing as she picks her leg up again and again, like it’s a fun swing.

She sighs. “Don’t you have a nap to take?”

“Nuh uh. I’m a big boy now.”

“You barely come up to my knee,” she tells him with a frown. “And your hands are sticky. Why are they sticky?”

The boy peels his hands off her leg and shrugs. “I dunno,” he says before he goes ahead and licks it.

“Nope,” she plucks him up by the back of the shirt. He giggles as he starts spinning around in her hold, his t-shirt twisting him this way and that.

I’m unable to contain my laughter at this point, and she spots me and comes stalking over. “This sticky thing is yours,” she says, passing Freddie over to his father.

Collins takes him and settles the boy on his shoulders, where those sticky hands immediately stuff into Collins’s hair. “Thanks. Say goodbye to Miss Jetta, Freddie.”

“Bye, Miss Ninja!” the boy laughs before Collins smiles and walks away.

“Good lesson today,” Igor comments.

Everyone else has left, leaving the three of us alone in the training yard.

Jetta shrugs and picks at her clothes, like she can’t stand the praise. She’s wearing a plain white t-shirt with her black sports bra showing through beneath. It makes me want to strip her shirt off.

She’s also wearing tight black shorts that show off her pale legs. Every muscle is shapely and defined and sexy as hell. And her ass? Good Christ above, that ass could hang a wreath.

“Again tomorrow?” Igor asks her.

“No,” she answers quickly.

Igor snorts. “You got something else better to do?”

She swipes her fingers beneath her bangs in frustration. “I’m not even in this pack. Why should I keep this up when I’m not staying?”

“Like I said. You got anything else better to do?” Igor drawls.

When all she does is glare at him, he turns and walks away, leaving me behind to deal with the fire-breathing dragon. My mouth quirks up at the thought of her nostrils leaking smoke.

Jetta’s dark eyes snare mine. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing,” I say, shaking my head. “But I do have a question for you.”

She rolls her eyes and jumps over the fence with a hand on the railing and an effortless leap. She lands right beside me and starts walking away. “Everyone in this damn pack has a question for me. I’m not interested in hearing them.”

Undeterred, I follow beside her, keeping up with her angry, quick strides. Jetta doesn’t walk. She doesn’t glide like some females either. She fucking books it like she has a destination in mind and she’s gonna get there whether I get out of her way or not. Weirdly enough, it’s sexy. I’m starting to think everything about her is sexy.

“Hey, Jericho.”

I look over and see Hannah walking by, carrying a hamper full of clothes.

“Hey, Han.”

Jetta tenses beside me, and Hanna’s cheeks turn bright pink when she notices the glowering female. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“You wear pink a lot,” Jetta says dryly, her dark eyes trailing over her.

Hannah looks down at her bright pink jumpsuit. “Oh, um, yeah?”

Jetta just blinks at her, and I have to suppress a grin at how goddamn jealous she looks right now.

“Uh, anyway, see you guys around,” Hannah says quickly before tucking her hair behind her ear and hurrying off.

I look over at Jetta with a smirk as Hannah hurries toward the laundry building.

“Your girlfriend sure did leave quick,” Jetta says.

“I told you,” I reply, slipping a cigarette out of my pocket and lighting it up. “She’s not my girlfriend.”

“You’ve fucked her, though.”

I choke on a little smoke from her crass statement before passing the stick over to her to share. “Yes. I have,” I admit. “I helped her during her last heatwave, and we’ve always been friends.”

Jetta’s lips grow tight right before she places the cigarette between them and sucks before passing it back to me. “Isn’t she a little…” Her voice trails off.

“A little what?”

“A little...pretty pink princess? She doesn’t seem like the type you’d go for. She’s so...wholesome.”

I grin. “Hmm. Funny you should say that, because lately, I’ve been going for cranky females with a penchant for wearing black, who I’m pretty sure have a taste for some very unwholesome things.”

Jetta glowers and starts walking again, but she doesn’t deny it. My cock jumps at the affirmation.

I smoothly return to her side. “Anyway, Copyright 2016 - 2024