Jetta - Raven Kennedy Page 0,113

me, looking away, leaving me in a heap behind them as their attention goes elsewhere, and my stomach drops. If everyone is reacting this way, that must mean someone fell. That’s what the noise was. It was either Freddie or Cliff, and they—

“Well, isn’t this a surprise. Let him through,” Kaazu announces.

I blink heavily, my sight obscured from the blood and tears in my face. Kaazu has a hand up, halting the troupers in place, but he’s not looking at them or at me. He’s addressing something in the audience.

My eyes fly upward to check the beam, and with stuttered relief, I see that Freddie hasn’t fallen and neither has Cliff. The beam is now tilted Cliff’s way, Freddie somehow managed to get back on top of the beam, both arms wrapped in the rope. They’re both holding on so they don’t go sliding off Cliff’s end.

“A misfit, I presume?” Kaazu asks.


I turn my head again, my ear pressing against the cold metal square as I drag my eyes past the troupe members all standing in front of me. Between their figures, I spot the shadowed silhouette of three figures as they walk closer.

When they reach the foot of the stage, their faces become lit up by the blue and white lights. Magnus and Curly Cue are holding a third person between them. He’s sporting a black eye and a torn shirt, but otherwise seems okay.

“This doesn’t look like a very fair fight,” Jericho drawls.

The sight of him and the sound of his voice makes a sob bubble out of my blood-filled mouth. I have never been so simultaneously relieved and furious to see a person in my entire life.

“Where the fuck did he come from?” Alpha Rourn demands, now standing up with a wicked glare on his face.

Magnus stands on Jericho’s other side, somehow looking bored. The vampire must’ve been put on security duty instead of being part of the show, and he and Curly Cue probably found Jericho sneaking around. How Jericho figured out I was here, I have no idea.

Curly Cue answers Rourn. “Found him snooping around behind the stage. You want me to toss him back to Pack Aberrant in pieces, Alpha?” he asks.

My heartbeat stutters. I try to move, to reach for him, but everything fucking hurts.

“Yes,” Alpha Rourn says with a growl. “Show those fucking misfits what happens when they step foot on my land.”

“Oh, come on now,” Jericho interrupts, looking from Rourn to Kaazu. “I thought you were a master fucking showman? I thought you of all people knew how to take advantage of everything to make it more exciting? You’re gonna waste an opportunity like this?”

What the fuck? Is he trying to get his dumb ass killed?

Kaazu tilts his head in curiosity. “Hmm. I suspect you’re going to tell me what exciting opportunity you have in mind?”

Jericho looks up at him steadily. No fear, no apprehension. “Your little show could use a reboot.”

At Jericho’s word choice of “little” show, Kaazu’s hand tightens on his cane. Jericho struck a nerve. Purposely, of course. Kaazu’s eyes narrow, and I know that Jericho has his full attention now.

“Seems to me you don’t have a very exciting fight on your hands. Twelve against one?” Jericho says, shaking his head. “That’s fucking boring.”

Kaazu’s mouth tilts up, but it’s not a nice smile. “What, pray tell, would you suggest?”

Jericho shrugs indifferently. “Put me in the fight too. At least it’ll be more entertaining than just me getting my ass handed to me in the shadows. I know you like to make shit dramatic, so this is your shot. I’m sure Rockhead would like to see it.”

I growl in my throat. This dumb motherfuck.

Rockhead makes noise, but I’m too busy freaking the fuck out to hear if the mood of the crowd is for it or against.

Kaazu’s grin widens, his expression full of condescension. “And why do you think I want you wasting space on my stage? You’re nothing special.”

That’s right, Kaazu. Just let him go. Let him walk away…

Magnus, still holding Jericho’s arm, runs his nose up Jericho’s neck, his fangs dropping down.

“Mmm. He smells delicious, Master Kaazu, and he has a very interesting scent mixed in.”

Kaazu’s eyes snag on the vampire. “Oh?”

“He smells like Jetta,” Magnus purrs, his tongue dragging across Jericho’s pulse. Jericho just holds still, attempting to look bored. “This one belongs to her.”

No! My chest rages at Magnus for telling Kaazu. I’m prepared to deny it. To claim I’ve never seen Jericho before. To Copyright 2016 - 2024