Jersey Six - Jewel E Ann Page 0,74

they never lied. They had seen too much to ever be anything but dark.

He watched a killer unravel beneath him with his mouth on her breast and his hand between her legs. An unforgettable sight.

“Jesus … Coop …” Her jaw relaxed, eyelids heavy as she jerked against his hand.

Watching her orgasm was more addictive than a stadium filled with screaming fans. He shifted to the side, retrieving a condom from the drawer and rolling it on. Jersey’s sated body came to life again when he settled between her legs and pushed inside of her.

“I don’t want you in his bed when I’m gone.”

She grabbed his ass, digging her fingers into his muscled flesh to bring him back into her every time he pulled away. “I don’t let him do this to me.”

Ian slammed into her, his tense face hovering over hers as he moved inside of her. “I don’t give a fuck. I don’t want his hands on you.” He kissed her.

Jersey kissed him back. It was rough and demanding, like her hands on his ass. He tried to make his point, tried to make his mark. But no matter how hard he drove into her, desperate to make his point, it didn’t matter. When he finished and she dug her teeth into his flesh, probably leaving another mark while his body went rigid with waves of pleasure, he still didn’t have her promise.

Jersey relaxed beneath him, and he rolled onto his back. She jackknifed to sitting, swinging her legs over the side of the bed, barely taking a breath before slipping into her clothes in record time with her back to him. “I don’t belong to you, Coop.”

He sat up, standing behind her with his chest to her back. Grabbing her face, he turned her head just enough to kiss her, tasting every inch of her mouth once more before pulling back a fraction of an inch to meet her eyes—her hard gaze.

“No. You don’t. But you belong with me.” He released her jaw and sauntered into the bathroom.

Ian took a quick shower. Returning to an empty bedroom, he grabbed his suitcase and carried it toward the stairs just as Chris stepped out of the guest bedroom. They sized up each other before Ian cleared his throat.

“If you have any questions about your job, have Jersey contact me. If you want to go back to Newark when she joins me abroad, Max will arrange your transportation.”

Chris returned an easy nod, and his lips curled into a tiny smirk. “I think I’ll wait here for Jersey. She might need me. Besides, we don’t know if her passport will get approved. It might just be the two of us here for a while.”

Ian narrowed his eyes, tipping his chin up a fraction to look down at Chris. “She sleeps in my room. You stay in yours. You keep your hands to yourself. Understood?”

Chris shrugged, sliding his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. “She crawls into my bed because she likes my body next to hers and the comfort of my arms. I’m here to give her whatever she needs, including a tissue to wipe her watery eyes and drips of vomit from her chin after she lets you fuck her mouth like all the pricks before you.”

Ian saw red, so much red. His hands clenched into tight fists. Taking a step forward, he forced Chris into the wall, his right hand taking a firm hold on Chris’s neck. “Touch her. I kill you. It’s that simple.”

Chris took a hard swallow, his cocky grin quivered for a second before he took a full breath. “I’ll keep that in mind, rock star.”

Ian’s eye twitched. It took superhuman power not to crush his airway and wait for him to turn blue or drop him on his ass and kick it to the curb. Ian released Chris, leaving him gasping and rubbing his neck. Then he grabbed his suitcase and descended the stairs.

“Hey.” Shane smiled, waiting by the front door. It faded when he saw Ian’s murderous expression. “What’s up, buddy?”

Ian set his suitcase on the ground by Shane. “I’ll be out in a few minutes. There’s something I need to do first.”

“Sure you don’t need me to stay?”

Ian didn’t answer as he took long strides to the kitchen. Jersey tore her attention away from surveying the contents of the fridge to give him the once-over with a cautious expression.

“Pantry. Now.” He pointed toward the tall cabinet doors.

She paused for a moment as if Copyright 2016 - 2024