Jersey Six - Jewel E Ann Page 0,15

phone as Jersey and Chris followed her.

“Buses? I’m getting shipped back already?”

Leaning against the back wall of the elevator, Max glanced up, penciled brows drawn tightly. “No. The tour buses. Can you lift heavy objects?”

He peered at Jersey’s clueless expression, and he answered Max, “Depends on how heavy. I have some physical limitations.”

Max nodded, chewing on her bottom lip. “Listen, people are going to be … people. Human. They’re going to be curious about what happened to you. I’d like to put all the whispers to rest as soon as possible so everyone can just focus on their jobs. What can I tell them?”

“I was badly burned,” Chris replied, sounding more condescending than he meant to sound.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. He and Jersey stepped off the elevator as Max returned a frown.

“Clearly. But can I ask how you were badly burned?” She took the lead, and they followed her around a sharp right corner and down a long hallway.

“You can, but if you want an honest answer, then you’re going to be sorely disappointed because I don’t know how it happened.”

Tapping the room key card to the sensor, Max pushed open the hotel room door, stepped inside, and held it open for Jersey and Chris. Jersey hugged her duffel bag and shopping bags, making a wide-eyed inspection of the room while Chris plopped his shopping bags onto the first of the two queen beds.

“So…” Max threw open the curtains, exposing a stunning view of Manhattan “…it’s safe to say you have some memory loss of the trauma?”

Some memory loss.

Chris inwardly grinned. “That’s a very safe answer.”

“And your family doesn’t know?”

Hugging her bag, Jersey remained planted to her spot three feet inside the door. Chris tore her bags from her grasp, one at a time. She stiffened, hands balled into fists.

“You just purchased us new clothes.” He managed to tug Jersey’s shopping bags from her, but he didn’t fight her for the duffel bag. Instead, he rolled his eyes at her and returned his attention to Max. “And I assume you’d like us to take a shower to wash the filth and stink from our bodies. Surely in the back of your pretty mind you have to think we don’t have family … a home … or any other belongings to our names. Right?”

Max glanced at her watch and clasped her hands behind her back. “Listen, Ian disappeared for several hours today, and he came back with instructions to pick you two up and get you set up with jobs. He requested I not ask any questions that don’t need to be asked. So I’m navigating this carefully. But honestly, I have a million questions screaming in my head. All I’m asking is for you to help me help you.”

Chris didn’t question her sincerity because her defeated posture and the surrender in her voice left little room for doubt.

“Tell people whatever you think they want to hear.”

Chris and Max turned toward Jersey’s voice. She loosened her grip on her duffel bag and took cautious steps toward the window, not making eye contact as she squeezed by them. Jersey’s body jerked with an audible gasp at the sight before her.

“If you need anything, here’s my number.” Max set her business card on the desk, next to the hotel phone. “Otherwise, I’ll be back in an hour to get you. I’ll have some food sent up right away. Is there anything else you need?”

Jersey remained statuesque at the window as Chris inspected Max’s business card. It was all black with just a phone number, not even her name.

“We’re good. Thank you. Um …” He held up the business card. “You don’t strike me as a Max. Is that your real name?”

She smiled, a soft one that held some sadness. “My father is from Japan. My mother is American. She had a sister who died at a young age. I was named after her, Maxann.”

“Sorry.” Chris let his gaze fall to the black card.

“Me too.”

When the door clicked behind Max, Chris stood next to Jersey at the window. “Well … at least your new friend, Ian, set us up with a sweet view, new clothes, and clean sheets. I’m just worried he’s trying to get us to lower our guards before the kinky shit begins.”

Jersey’s jaw clenched, but it couldn’t hold back her grin.

“Bus … did you hear her say I might stay on a bus? We’re joining the circus, Jers. You get that, right? In another few hours, you’ll be Copyright 2016 - 2024