Jegudiel (Deadly Virtues #2) -Tillie Cole Page 0,22

Brethren around the priest’s neck, and they attacked. They murdered and slashed and ran. Over and over again, over four homes, and with every house, the monster grew more and more savage, ripping the priests apart, pissed that someone had been there before them. Every motherfucking house. All the priests were tied. All were gagged, and all wore the red “H” on their heads, written in the blood from their own split lips. The monster didn’t like its prey being fucked with. It wanted the chase, the hunt, not a motherfucking sacrificial offering.

Diel licked his lips as he sprinted to the last house. His heart beat a frantic rhythm. The monster was on edge and ready to destroy whoever was toying with them, daring to fucking touch their kills first.

Diel knew something was different the minute he reached the back door. The handle was still warm under his palm. His eyes narrowed on the hallway from his place beyond the door, and he heard a sound from upstairs. He smiled, his teeth aching as the cold wind lashed against them.

He was going to get more than the priest in this house.

Diel slid into the hallway, stealth his ally as he moved to the base of the stairs. He closed his eyes and listened. He heard a creak from the basement. Snapping his eyes open, he whipped his head in that direction. He moved his feet to take a step, when a pained cry came from the bedroom upstairs, followed by a voice hissing, “Shut the fuck up.” A voice that didn’t belong to the priest.

Diel licked his lips, tasting the blood from his previous kills. He was covered in blood; it had seeped into every piece of clothing he wore. Diel began climbing the stairs, his blood pumping fast through his muscles, preparing them to strike. He heard the voice again. Some part of him vaguely registered that there was something unexpected about its timbre, but the red mist was too strong for any further thought.

Diel drew to a stop outside the bedroom, and his chest heaved in excitement. He was going to get more kills. More bodies. More screams.

His cock twitched, and Diel threw open the door so hard it slammed against the wall behind it. The monster scanned the room and saw two figures dressed in black, hoods and scarves covering their heads and faces. One of them was on the bed, tying the hands of the priest who was watching him with wide, terrified eyes. One of the people in black leather pants and shirt rushed at him, something in their hand. Diel charged at the moving figure and shouldered them into the wall. The person was light, and he easily knocked the wind from them as they crumpled to the ground, knocked out cold.

Diel went to pull out his knives, and the one from the bed rolled off the mattress, rounded the footboard and faced him. Diel met the eyes staring back at him. Brown eyes with long black lashes. His monster roared in excitement, the cry from the priest on the bed only heightening it. The black-hooded figure pulled a knife from a holster at their waist.

Diel paced back and forth as he stared at the smaller figure in front of him. They were foolish to believe they could take him. He had four deaths under his belt tonight, and he was driven by the need to kill even more. As the person moved to attack, Diel ran at them full force. He held out his hand and wrapped it around their neck. The hooded stranger choked on an exhale as he slammed them against the wall. They dropped the knife, but this one didn’t crumple like the one behind him had.

They slammed their arm over his, tearing themselves from his hold. They spun out of his grip, but Diel spun too. The hooded figure lashed out and drove their fist into Diel’s mouth, then landed a quick but strong kick to his thigh.

He felt his lip burst and his knee weaken, but the pain and the warm liquid running down his chin only made his cock harden more, nearly coming at the violence and scent of death building in the air. This fucker thought they could best him.

The monster smiled, and a manic laugh slipped from Diel’s throat. The stranger before him stilled for a second, before crouching low and taking another knife from their holster. Diel walked around them, toying with this victim, Copyright 2016 - 2024