JAX (The Beckett Boys #2) - Olivia Chase Page 0,96

in. Even if I wanted to, I can’t stop it when a woman’s on top of me like this.”

“But how do I—“ I began, unsure how I was supposed to lift and drop myself on his cock over and over, fast enough to get him off.

Jacob smiled a little. “That’s the real trick. It’s not about speed. It’s about depth.” He shifted his hips and I gasped as his cock pushed deeper inside me than he’d been before. “Come on,” Jacob whispered, pulling me against his chest. “Let me in.”

I whimpered first in surprise, then in pleasure when Jacob began to push into me; short but deep strokes, his cock hardly ever truly pulling out. I felt so full with him in me, and each time he pushed, I felt a haze of heat and blackness sweep through me, like I was at risk of fainting from the pleasure.

“Perfect,” Jacob groaned, then ducked his head down to take my nipple in his mouth as he continued to press deep inside me. I felt a second orgasm, this one deeper in my belly, rising, and I meant to say something, but Jacob got there first.

“I’m going to come,” he said, voice firm despite being wedged between panting breaths. I nodded, unable to speak, feeling Jacob’s cock getting impossibly hard inside of me, threatening to hurt me but never quite crossing the threshold. He pushed into me twice more—

Pleasure rocketed through my body, and just as it began I felt Jacob’s cock tighten, then release. He came deep into me, and I cried out in ecstasy— that’s what this was, no doubt— as I came just as hard, heady with the power of being on top of Jacob Everett’s cock, of feeling him release inside me so hard, so long, so forcefully.

I collapsed against his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck, enjoying the feeling of him still in me. Jacob finally caught his breath and rubbed my back for a moment, before finally using his good arm to ease me off of him. He looked at me and smiled.

“Let’s go upstairs. The bedroom is fantastic.”

“Okay,” I said, and shakily stood. Jacob rose as well.

“We’re going to sleep,” Jacob clarified as we started that way.

“Really?” I asked, disappointed.

Jacob laughed a little. “It’s been a long day. And besides— tomorrow morning I’ll need to take you on your hands and knees.”

“Tomorrow morning I have class,” I teased back as we entered the room. Jacob grinned, then reached around to slap my bottom again. I giggled and shied away.

“See, you talk like that, and it makes me think I need to wear you out now,” Jacob said slyly. When I gave him a daring look, Jacob shook his head in faux exasperation. “Bend over the bed, Sasha. It looks like we have more to do after all.”

Chapter 12

Waking up next to Jacob wasn’t quite the fantasy it’d been the first time— now I knew what sort of disappointment could all too easily be lobbed my way. Still, there was something beautiful and undeniably sensual about waking up to see Jacob there. He was still asleep, muscled chest rising and falling, sheets tossed over his lower body, injured arm resting across his torso. Funny how just looking at him, no one would have ever known he was injured— he looked perfect. Insanely perfect, like he was made based on those ancient Greek statues.

I was pleased to discover despite our many rounds of carnal activities, I wasn’t so sore this time. It was eight o’clock in the morning— I had class in an hour, so there wouldn’t be time for anything long-lasting, but if I woke him up now, perhaps a quick round…besides, now that I’d experimented most of the sexual basics, I had more than a few fantasies I wanted to try out.

I ran my fingers through my hair, then cozied up beside Jacob, sliding my fingers down his chest, across his injured arm, to where his cock was hidden beneath the sheets.

Jacob jerked in surprise, then creaked his eyes open. When he saw me— and what I was doing, gently coaxing an erection from him— he smiled at me sleepily, then made a slight moaning sound. He pushed his hips up—

“I have to take a shower. I’ve got class,” I said. Jacob scowled, until I added, “But maybe you want to join me?”

Jacob laughed lightly. “As if I could pass off watching a beautiful woman shower.”

I smiled broadly, a little embarrassed at just how

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