JAX (The Beckett Boys #2) - Olivia Chase Page 0,57

We decided that I’m going to move into his apartment at the end of this month. Since it’s a two-bedroom, it won’t put Asher out. But we need to do some rearranging to make room for my stuff, too.

I reach over and touch the strands of hair at the base of his neck. He shivers. “You beckoned me?” I ask. “And so gently, I may add.”

“Very funny, darling. Here, take these burgers and put them on the table, okay?” He takes a paper plate from my hand and scoops up the meat. I usher it back over and return to take hot dogs. When I get back, Smith and Asher are already eating.

“What the hell, guys?” I tease them. “You can’t wait for your brother?”

“Eh, fuck him,” Smith says around a mouthful of meat. “He’ll be fine. Boy could stand to lose a few pounds anyway. I can count on my dick the number of times that asshole waits for us before diving into chow.”

Jax shoots his brother a glare. “Hey, fuck you. I look amazing. Don’t I, Brooklyn.” He gives me a heated look that makes my lower belly clench.

Oh God, yes. He knows he looks good. More than good. At least he hasn’t lost his healthy ego. I laugh. “You’re divine. A god incarnate. A blessing for us mere mortals.”

“You’re making me gag,” Asher says, rolling his eyes.

We chow down on our food and just chatter about everything and nothing. It’s amazing, how quickly this clan has accepted me as one of their own. When they found out Jax and I got engaged, Aubrey screamed loud enough to wake the dead, then hugged me for a good five minutes, or so it felt.

Then she went right into asking what our wedding plans are. I told her we weren’t sure yet, that we wanted to see how my semester was, but possibly a Christmastime wedding. Of course, that made her swoon and got her stamp of approval.

Not to mention, I need to talk to my parents before planning a ceremony.

They don’t know yet. But we’re taking a road trip to see them tomorrow and stay the weekend. My parents aren’t thrilled to have him coming back, but the weeks of absence gave us all a lot of time to think. The fact that my mother’s willing to give it another shot helps me feel hopeful. I want her to love him the way I do.

We finish eating, then clean up our mess. Apparently, the Beckett boys never buy birthday presents for each other. Instead, they “gift” the special brother with some kind of brotherly beating. Aubrey, Aunt Sylvia, and I stand off to the side and laugh as Jax runs over and tackles Asher to the ground.

The two start wailing on each other, rolling around on the ground. Smith is bellowing at them both to stop being wimps. When he gets tired of yelling, he grabs the bag of burger buns, rips off big hunks, and flings them at the brothers.

That has me bent over laughing so hard I can’t breathe. These guys are insane. At first, their actions and the way they talk to each other—which seem strangely hostile—bothered me. But I’ve grown to understand that’s how they show affection, oddly enough.

I couldn’t imagine Della and I acting that way.

After the birthday ass whooping is done, both guys rise off the ground, dust themselves off, then pat each other on the back.

“Well, done, fucker,” Jax says with admiration. “You’ve gotten stronger. All those hormone injections must be doing right by you.”

Asher rolls his eyes. “You wish. Maybe it’s just because I’m beautifully ripped and young, and you’re old and about to die.”

“Okay, fools,” Aunt Sylvia says. “That’s enough of that shit. Sit down and eat some pie before I cram it in your mouths.”

I smother a laugh, and we all eat dessert. The rest of the day passes quickly, and before I know it, we’re telling everyone goodbye and in Jax’s car on the way to his apartment.

His hand slides into mine and he strokes my skin with his thumb. Brushes a kiss across my knuckles. “I love you.”

I never get tired of hearing him say it. “I love you, too.”

“Are you nervous about tomorrow?”

I nod. “I’ve been sick to my stomach for days now. The anxiety is killing me.” I know I’m putting a lot of pressure on this one event, but I just want it to go right. Jax deserves that chance.

“It’ll be fine,” he tells

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