JAX (The Beckett Boys #2) - Olivia Chase Page 0,28

ever return again.

For the next half hour, I spend my time ignoring anyone who isn’t a usual at Outlaws. Fuck them—if Smith wants them served, he should do it himself and crawl out of the office. I whistle and pour beers, and I’m happier than I’ve been in days.

The front door to the bar opens, and a group of college-aged girls step in, their eyes blinking wide as they check out the place.

And then my heart gives a strange lurch—in the back of the group is Brooklyn.


The moment I walk into Outlaws, with the loud metal music blasting, the smell of beer pungent in the air, the clusters of rowdy people shoving each other and giving blaring laughs, I know I’m out of my element.

I’ve never experienced a place like this before. Something so wild and out of control. I can see why Jax loves working here—it seems right up his alley. Is this really what he’s like? I can’t help but wonder. And remember how he was last time I saw him, lying naked in my bed, his eyes so vulnerable, him sharing things about his past.

The Jax I see at the bar isn’t like that at all. He’s serving drinks, giving coy winks, flirty smiles. And people are responding to it, clamoring for more, like moths to a flame. The same way he draws me.

My chest tightens in a flare of jealousy. I try to ignore the feeling, but it won’t go away. Jax isn’t mine, I remind myself. Just because we shared something new to me doesn’t mean it was that meaningful to him. I’m sure he’s gone down on a bunch of girls.

The thought turns my stomach.

“Come on, Brooklyn,” my friend Dianna says with a squeal. She tugs my hand and leads me toward the bar. “This place is fucking awesome! I bet we could find some hotties to hook up with.”

“For sure,” I murmur, pretending I’m not feeling off balance. Like I haven’t been replaying what we did over and over again the last few days.

Jax’s eyes land on me, and when I see the desire in his eyes, my heart has that strong surge of emotion I felt earlier. He gives me a warm smile.

Could this attitude he’s showing while behind the bar be just a business façade? Maybe I’m judging him too harshly, making assumptions about his feelings or what he thinks about me and what happened between us. After all, he is at work. And to make tips, he needs to be social.

Embarrassment swirls in my stomach. God, I’m overemotional. This isn’t like me. I press a hand to my belly and proceed forward with Dianna and Jennifer, the other friend we brought here.

An hour ago, we were sitting in the dorm lobby, eating Doritos, and they both jumped up and said they wanted to go out to a fun bar. Of course, since I don’t go bar hopping a lot, I didn’t have any good suggestions…except Outlaws. So here we are.

Jax doesn’t take his eyes off me the entire time we walk to the bar. The heat in his eyes is potent, makes my skin shiver.

I can tell he’s thinking about going down on me, and my whole body is on fire. Because I’m thinking about it too, have been since it happened, and I want it to happen again. Plus, I didn’t get to make him come—after we laid in bed and talked for a while, he pressed a sweet kiss to my head and left.

I know he wanted more, but he didn’t push me for it. Why? He seemed to enjoy me tasting him. He was super hard in my mouth. So why not finish it?

It’s a question that’s plagued me ever since.

Dianna sidles up to the bar. Gives Jax a bold look. “Hi.”

“Hi.” His reply is warm, but he keeps shooting me glances. “What can I get you lovely ladies?”

“Something good to slide down our throats,” Jennifer says, giving a husky laugh. I know she’s just being her usual flirty self, but it sets my teeth on edge.

I never told them about Jax for multiple reasons. Now I’m thinking I should have. Because I couldn’t deal with either of them coming on to him. It’s ridiculous to think, but I can’t help but imagine him as mine, at least in some capacity.

Hell, his mouth has been on my most intimate spot. No one else has been there before—that should give me a little bit of ownership, right?

Jax smirks

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