JAX (The Beckett Boys #2) - Olivia Chase Page 0,24

fingers, licking her clit and nibbling on her pussy lips. My sole purpose is to make her come. I need it more than I need oxygen.

She stiffens, her legs locking in place, then releases a wail so loud that my cock bounces in response. Her whole body shakes, down to her fingertips on my scalp, and I’m feeling a rush of pride, and something else that I’m not quite sure how to label.

It takes her several moments to relax her limbs. When she does, everything sinks heavy and she droops on the bed, the most self-satisfied smile on her face that I’ve ever seen. “Oh God,” she groans. “I’ve…” Her cheeks turn a delicious shade of pink, and she moves her hands to cover her face. “I’ve never done that before.”

“Did you enjoy it?” I ask her as I move to curl beside her. Her body is pliant when she wiggles to curl against my front. My cock is still raging, but oddly enough, I want to just hold her right now. Let her bask in her pleasure.

Something tells me this was a big deal for her. I just want her to feel good, secure. Safe.

Cared for.

My heart gives a hard thud against my chest at that last thought. Of course I’ve always wanted my sexual partners to have a good time. But this feels different. I don’t know why, but it does.

I’m not quite ready to examine that yet.

I stroke her hair. “How are you feeling, darling?”

She sighs and presses her back to me, and my ridiculous heart gives this strange flip that unnerves me. “So good. I had no idea it could feel like that.” She swallows and I feel her suck in a deep breath. “I’m…well, you probably guessed, but I’m a virgin. I haven’t had a lot of sexual experience.”

I chuckle gently. “I kinda figured as much.”

“What made you guess?”

“You have this ‘virgin’ vibe around you, almost like a halo.”

She laughs and turns around to face me, slugging me in the chest. “A virgin vibe? What the hell is that?”

I try hard to keep my face straight. “Men like me can pick up on it a mile away. We smell women who are innocent and pure—it’s like a pheromone beckoning us. Makes us want to deflower them.”

She rolls her eyes. “You’re crazy, you know that?”

I laugh. “Spent a whole lifetime honing that quality.” I pause and weigh my next words. “So…can I ask why?”

“Why I’m a virgin?” There’s a tinge of hesitance in her voice.

“I’m not gonna hold a gun to your head and make you explain,” I say with a smile. “I’m just curious. It’s unusual for people our age to be, that’s all.”

The tension in her body eases a touch. I can still see a little stiffness in her, like she’s used to defending her decision on this. “Sex is important, too important for me to be casual about the person I connect with.” She takes a breath and her gaze slides away from mine to stare over my shoulder at the wall behind me. “As I told you before, my sister is a single mom. She fell for a guy and got pregnant, and when she told him, he vanished. She has no idea how to find him—apparently, he was couch surfing and took off when he learned he got knocked her up.” Her eyes get sad, tinged with a flash of anger. “I promised her I’d never get myself in that kind of position.”

My stomach gets this weird sensation. I can read between the lines. Her sister fell for a guy like me, I imagine. Someone who wants to be free, not tied down. Who enjoys sex but not commitment.

“I…can see why that would make you hesitant,” I finally say. “But sex doesn’t have to be something crazy or serious. It can just be fun. Enjoyed for the sake of itself.”

She sighs. “For some people, I’m sure. I just don’t know if I can do that. How is it you can?”

It’s a fair question, asked without judgment, but something about it sets me on edge. Maybe because it reminds me that she and I are vastly different in how we feel, how we approach things. And like it or not, I’m growing attached to her. Far more than I should be.

I keep my voice even. “I can because I’ve lived with what happens when you let yourself be…too attached to someone. I was three when my mom left us. And while I

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