JAX (The Beckett Boys #2) - Olivia Chase Page 0,124

on the edge of the bathtub and wept into one of the obnoxiously fluffy towels for at least twenty minutes, and was just hoisting myself out of my despair when I heard a small knock at the door.

“I’m just freshening up for dinner!” I said quickly— too quickly, and too loudly.

“It’s not Jacob. It’s me. Jenna, I mean,” Jenna said.

“Oh. Well, I’m just freshening—“

“It’s not Jacob, so there’s no way in hell I’m going to fall for that freshening up for dinner thing. Girls don’t ever actually freshen up. It’s what we say when we’re secret crying. Which is what you’re doing, right?” Jenna asked.

I stared at my own tear-stained face in the mirror and tried to work out what I was supposed to do with that statement. I didn’t get a chance to think on it too long, though, because Jenna opened the door and stepped inside.

“I locked that,” I said, surprised.

“And the little key thing is always above the door,” Jenna answered, holding up a tiny allen wrench. I sighed; Jenna motioned for me to slide over, then joined me on the bathtub’s edge.

“Look,” Jenna said quietly, “it is super, super shitty what his parents are doing to you. I want you to know that I seriously had no idea. I thought this was a group thing.”

“Yeah, well. It’s more of a Jacob-plus-Jenna-forever thing,” I said, avoiding Jenna’s eyes.

“No kidding. But I’m serious— I think it’s really shitty, and had I known this was the plan, I never ever would have come. I’ve got no interest in coming between you and Jacob, okay?”

I considered that, then smiled weakly at Jenna. “Thanks for saying that. But honestly, it’s not even you that’s the real problem. They want him to be with you. The school wants him to be with you. And…they’re not wrong. You fit with him way better than I do.”

“But I’m not interested in him. And he’s not interested in me. Which is usually a problem in a romantic relationship, unless you’re a Bachelor contestant or something.”

I exhaled. “Yeah, but my point is just: I do not seem suited for Jacob. Even I can’t believe we’re together— you know I’ve literally never been to a football game?”

“Jesus Christ, don’t you dare tell his parents that. They will skip the barbecue and just eat you for dinner,” Jenna said, looking genuinely scared for me.

“I know, I know. I’m just saying— Jacob was just typical womanizer Jacob when we first met. When we first hooked up, even. And then he got injured and everything changed. But now that he’s going to go back out there…”

“You’re afraid he’ll go back to the way he was. To being…well. Jacob Everett,” Jenna said, lifting her eyebrows. “Oh.”

“Valid concern?” I asked, unsure if I wanted a real answer.

Jenna considered this for a moment, squinting as she thought it over. “Valid concern,” she finally admitted. I felt tears welling up in my eyes again, and Jenna grabbed hold of my hand. “But, that’s just a concern. It doesn’t mean it’s a prophecy or anything.”

“I’m not interested in being just another fucktoy. I’ve never been,” I said shakily.

“Well, you’re not, no matter what happens. He’s in a legit relationship with you, Sasha. A serious relationship.”

“I guess.”

Jenna pursed her lips. “Okay, okay— it is pretty bullshit that he didn’t argue with his parents about parking you here in the playground. But obviously, you’re going to take the gold room.”

“No, it’s yours. They want you to sleep in it.”

“They want a lot of things they can’t have,” Jenna said. “Though also don’t tell them that, okay?”

“I won’t. But seriously, I don’t want to take your room.”

“Fine. Then we’ll share this one. In protest,” Jenna said smartly, rising. She pulled me along with her. “There’s bunk beds. It’ll be a sleepover. We’ll get some of those adult coloring books and everything.”

I laughed and sniffled. “Seriously?”

“Well, no, because I think those adult coloring books are on backorder forever. But we’ll bring those growlers up here and get drunk while Jacob has that stupid doctor’s appointment, okay?”

“Okay,” I said, wiping at my eyes with the bottom of my palm. “Thanks, Jenna.”

“No problem,” Jenna said. “Besides, you seem lonely.”

“I sort of am,” I said, shaking my head. “It’s sort of been all Jacob all the time. I hardly know anyone else at the school.”

“Well, you know me, which means you know the entire women’s soccer team. And we’re the best ones to know,” Jenna said proudly. “Come on. Put some makeup

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