JAX (The Beckett Boys #2) - Olivia Chase Page 0,105

of get my bearings and figure out what I want and…yeah.”

Jacob watched me for a long while, seemingly waiting to be certain I was finished. When I gave him a small nod, he took a breath. “Okay. Where do I even start, here,” he said. “I guess at that Football House party you were at when I first saw you…I’ll be honest— I was mostly just interested in winning the girl who didn’t talk around me, who seemed to be trying to avoid me…that doesn’t happen to me often.”

“Pat yourself on the back,” I said, but smiled, and Jacob chuckled.

“But look— I like you. And I’m not sleeping with anyone else. I’m not seeing anyone else. And I’m definitely not going to be on again with Jenna, no matter what people say or what my parents want,” he said with an eye roll. “She and I are friends— great friends, even. We get each other; we’ve both trained our whole lives to be pro athletes, and this is our time. But I’m not into her sexually.” He paused and looked…embarrassed? No. Jacob Everett didn’t get embarrassed. He blew air out through pursed lips and said. “I’m not into her romantically.”

“But…you are into…me romantically?” I asked.

“Say it louder and you’re going to ruin my playboy reputation,” Jacob teased, and I laughed. He went on. “And, it goes without saying, that I am very, very, very into you sexually.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked, my chest buzzing.

“The last week has been hard. You can’t just cut me off like that,” Jacob said, lowering his voice a tad, but giving me a smoldering look.

“Hey, now, I suffered too,” I said, trying to disguise a smile.

“I don’t want to hear it,” Jacob playfully waved me off, then rose. He took a few steps back into one of the rows of books, then beckoned for me to follow.

“What?” I whispered, glancing down at the girl who’d been listening in on our conversation. She had headphones on now, and seemed oblivious to whatever was happening. Warily, I closed my textbook and set it down, then walked over to where Jacob stood.

We were framed in on either side by thick textbooks, though both ends of the aisle were open. This, however, didn’t dissuade Jacob from winding his hand up my shirt. Before I’d really understood what he meant to do, he’d tugged my bra down and taken my nipple in his mouth.

“Jacob,” I whispered frantically, or at least, tried to— the name came out as a sort of quiet cry. How had I gone a whole week without his mouth on me? It felt like my nipples had become hyper sensitive in that period of time— I felt the one in his mouth harden, and felt my clit pulse in anticipation.

“A whole week,” Jacob said, keeping his teeth on my breast. “You know this means we have work to do?”

“How soon can we get to your apartment?” I said breathlessly, and turned to go back to my things. Jacob caught my arm.

“Not soon enough,” he said slyly. My eyes widened. “Grab your things. Follow me. Quickly.”

I felt a rush of wetness at his words, and nearly ran back to my things. I shut books, zipped bags, whirled around to see Jacob’s form turning the corner at the end of the aisle. He walked down the center aisle and up to the information desk. I slowed to give him time to talk to the girl behind the counter, who seemed awe-struck to be speaking with the one and only Jacob Everett.

“Thanks,” Jacob said kindly, then, without glancing in my direction, started up the stairs, toward the second story. This floor of the library was a ring of study and video rooms with broad windows overlooking the lower floor. In an attempt to keep students from using these rooms to have sex, keys were hard to come by. Unless you were Jacob Everett, I supposed.

Jacob opened the door to the room in the center of the circle and stepped inside. I was immediately behind him, sliding in and shutting the door behind me.

“Here?” I asked nervously. “Won’t people see?”

Jacob smiled knowingly and reached over, cutting the lights off. The room was still lit by filtered daylight from the first floor’s windows, but I suspected that without an interior light, seeing inside from down below would be difficult.

“But if someone walks by this room…” I said, looking at the walkway just outside the window. Anyone THAT close would easily see in.

Jacob didn’t

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