JAX (The Beckett Boys #2) - Olivia Chase Page 0,101

each game— Adams apparently called it a quarterback tradition).

“Yeah, sure. I’ll get ready fast,” I said, and put my book down. I did myself up as quickly as possible, given the irritated tap of Piper’s heel in the hallway. When I finally emerged, I was wearing a lavender sundress with a cute cardigan I’d bought offline. I definitely looked more like a librarian than the other two girls, who looked like cocktail waitresses, but whatever. I liked librarians. And besides, I was the one who’d been learning a book’s worth of new sex positions from Jacob Everett.

Football House was much the same as the first time I’d seen it— though now that nights were a tiny bit cooler (or rather, were warm rather than insufferably hot), more people spilled out onto the deck, the drive, and into the back garden where I had watched Jacob take another girl so many weeks ago. Seeing that spot made me smile, made my stomach twist pleasantly— that girl had him before me, sure, but it was me he’d kept coming back to.

For a moment, I found myself drawn to a fantasy where Jacob bent me over the garden bench, just like he’d done with the other girl; I’d slip my skirt up and we’d be surrounded by the smell of jasmine as he pumped into me—

“There he is,” Piper whispered to Kiersten. I followed their line of sight to where Adams was standing— right by the kegs, leaning against the wall, surrounded by admirers. It was so similar to how Jacob had looked the first time I met him that my eyes widened. Where was Jacob, I wondered— but almost as soon as I thought that, I spotted him outside, near the drive. He was with a collection of people, mostly other football players and a few hangers-on. Jacob was still clearly popular and loved, but it was nothing like the court of admirers he’d once held.

“I’m going to get Adams for this Saturday,” Piper said hungrily. She gave me a wry look. “I hear he’s got an eleven-inch cock, you know.”

“Is that…possible?” I asked. It was a serious question— Jacob’s was already so big, I couldn’t imagine adding another two inches.

Piper laughed brightly. “Yes, but not everyone would have the skill to suck it like me.”

She flounced off toward Adams, sidling in beside him. She clearly wasn’t playing the slow game, like she had with Jacob— I watched her lean in and whisper something in Adams’ ear. He smiled, rose, and lead her away from the porch.

“Wow, nice, Piper,” Kiersten said to no one in particular, looking truly impressed.

“Have you ever had sex with someone that has an eleven-inch cock?” I asked.

Kiersten laughed. “Oh, honey. Of course I have. Honestly, at that point it’s less about the size and more about how he uses it. I’m curious to see if Adams knows how to work that tool. Want to sneak a peek?”


“Oh, come on. It’s just Piper. Besides, at the rate Adams is going, he’ll have had sex with both of us by the end of the month. He’s going to blow past Jacob Everett’s record in no time.”

Frankly, I didn’t want to watch Piper have sex with anyone, but Kiersten was already pulling me down the hall, certain about their destination. And, truth be told, I was curious about how different an eleven-inch cock really was from a nine-inch one. It couldn’t hurt to pry a little, right? I saw Jacob was still occupied with the players down below— he didn’t know I was coming, so it wasn’t like he’d miss me.

“They’ll be in here,” Kiersten said as we went upstairs, down a long hall. A door was cracked and, sure enough, I could hear the sounds of someone moaning inside.

“Damn, he gets right to the point, huh?” Kiersten giggled, then stepped up first to look around the door. From my position, I could see through the space in the door frame between the hinges. It was clearly supposed to be a bedroom, but had been repurposed as something of a library— though all the books on the shelves seemed to be football related. There was a wide couch in the middle, which is where Piper and Adams were.

Piper was on top, naked; Adams was still dressed, save his pants being tugged down. He had a sly smile on his face, and had his hands behind his head, watching her breasts bounce as she rode him hard. Piper’s body was flawless—

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