Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,38

adjust to the lifestyle.

I haven't heard from my adoptive mom and dad either. Not that I expected to hear from my mom, she rarely ever contacts me. But I did expect my dad to continue to beg me to come to my senses and come home. His emails have stopped. I am not sure if that makes me happy or sad.

When I pull into my house Friday after school, there is a shiny, red, convertible mustang sitting in my driveway. Alec is leaning up against the car with sunglasses on. I shut off my car and jump out.

“Alec!” I throw myself into his arms and hug him. “I can't believe you came!”

“I had to come see my favorite girl.” Alec's smile makes all the girls swoon, so when he smiles at me, I can't help but feel a little light headed. He is gorgeous, and he knows how to work it. It's hard not to love Alec.

I remember Bridgett is inside the house, and I get excited. “Oh my gosh, Alec, you have to come inside! There is somebody I want you to meet!”

“Your boyfriend?” he asks, as he follows me.

“My boyfriend is mad at me.” I sigh. “I'm actually not sure if he's my boyfriend anymore...”

“Oh, no. What happened? Am I going to have to kill him?”

We get to the front door. “Let's talk about it later.” I open the front door, and lead Alec through the house. I know that Bridgett will be by the pool, where she always is.

He sees the pool. “Are we going to swim? Can I at least change first?”

When I open the door, Bridgett is sitting in a lawn chair with her eyes closed. When she hears the door open, she looks up at me, and smiles... Then she sees Alec. Her mouth drops open, and she quickly gets out of her chair, almost falling.

“Oh my god,” Alec and Bridgett both say at the same time.

“Alec, I'd like you to meet my twin sister, Bridgett Evans. Bridgett, this is Alec Torch, one of my very best friends.”

Alec looks back and forth between Bridgett and me. “You're identical.”

“Did you not hear the twins part?” I ask.

“I am a huge fan!” Bridgett finally speaks. “Like, seriously, I love you... I mean... your music music. I love your music...”

I can't help but laugh at the two of them, both staring at each other.

The doorbell rings. “I'm going to get that. Maybe you two can talk... get to know each other,” I say, leaving the two of them to stare at each other.

3:25 pm


When I open the door, I am more than surprised to see Stephan standing on the other side. I'm so stunned that I actually don't know what to say.

“Can I come in?” he asks.

I nod, stepping out of the way. Once he's inside, I close the door behind him.

He quickly turns towards me, and says, “I'm sorry.”

What? He's apologizing to me? “I should be the one apologizing, Stephan. I was inconsiderate, and I pushed you. And you were right. I shouldn't have asked you to go to the party. It was a terrible, and selfish idea.”

“No, I just... What you were saying... I've been wondering if it were true for a while. I mean, what if Mona is my sister? Will I ever know? It kills me not to.” He runs his hands through his hair in frustration. “And how could my dad do that to my mom? She stayed in bed and cried for three months straight after he died. I didn't think she would ever recover. And then she met Keith. Things turned around. She was happy again. I wasn't ready for her to be married to somebody else, but I couldn't stand seeing her sad anymore. Keith is so good to her. Not that my dad wasn't... I... I don't want to hate my dad. He's dead! But I can't help it! I hate him so much for what he did to us, and for what he did to Mona's family. I don't blame her for hating me. I would hate me too. But even if Mona was my sister, I don't think I would want to know. I don't want to bring up any of those old emotions for my mom. It would hurt her too much.”

“It's not your fault,” I tell him. “None of it. Your dad and Mona's mom are the ones who messed up. Not you, and not Mona. You can't blame yourself.”

“You're right. And my brain

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