Jack (Eidolon Black Ops #8) - Maddie Wade Page 0,72


Fitz greeted her with a warm smile. “Good to see you, Astrid, Jack.”

Jack and Fitz shook hands, and Astrid smiled. “Hi, Fitz. Are you well?”

“Yes, perfectly thank you, and it’s good to see you looking the same after your ordeal.”

Astrid waved it off. That was hardly even a blip and had it been anyone else, she wouldn’t have thought twice about escaping and killing him. “It was nothing.”

Fitz leaned into Jack as they waited for the Queen to allow them entrance. “You have your hands full with this one.”

Jack looked at her with a smirk. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He winked, and her blood pressure soared. Trust Jack to get her worked up right before an important visit with the Monarch.

A bell rang, and Fitz nodded and went ahead of them.

Astrid poked him in his hard abs. “You cannot flirt with me like that before we see the head of state.”

Jack caught her finger and pulled her close. “I can and I will.” His lips found hers in a short but hot kiss, stealing her breath before he released her and winked again.

Astrid scowled but honestly, she didn’t care. She’d spent a lifetime wanting a man like Jack to look at her precisely as he was, and she’d never get angry at him for loving her or wanting her.

“She will see you now.”

Astrid and Jack stepped into the royal parlour and saw Queen Lydia looking as perfect as ever. Astrid dropped into a curtsey as Jack gave a short bow.

“It is so good to see you looking so well.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

“Please sit.” Lydia motioned to the two wing back seats, and Astrid waited for the Queen to sit before she and Jack followed suit.

She folded her hands over her lap and regarded him. “How are you, Jack?”

He was wearing a navy suit today and looked every bit the secret agent. “Relieved it is all over, ma’am.”

“Yes, I’m sure you are, but it is still sad to lose a parent, and I know these were difficult circumstances at best.”

“It is hard to put into words without sounding callous, ma’am. I have wonderful people around me, so I feel exceedingly lucky.” He glanced at her, and she smiled.

“You certainly do. How is your mother?”

“She is fine. He was leaking the poison into the water where she gets her supply. It’s now clean, and she should have no lasting effects from it.”

“Good, I’m glad to hear that. Now, I know Carolyn told you everything, but do you have any questions for me?”

“I’ve thought about this a lot, and I honestly don’t. I may in the future but right now, I have none. This changes nothing for me. I am who I am, and I’m where I’m meant to be. The throne is in the best hands it could be in, and I’m honoured just to share any blood with you.”

“That is very gracious, Jack. You’re an honourable man and one I consider a close friend of the family. I would greatly like it if you will stay on in your position. There is nobody I feel safer entrusting my safety to than you and your team.”

“It is my honour, ma’am. And if one day our children wish to know about their history?”

Astrid felt butterflies in her tummy as he looked at her.

“Then, when the time is right, you can handle that, and there will always be a position for a person such as yourself on my staff if they wish it.”

“Thank you, ma’am. I do have one question actually.”

Lydia cocked her head. “Yes.”

“Bás. Who does he really work for?”

“Ah, that was my husband’s doing. You see, when Frederick began to make waves, it became clear we needed someone he’d never know about on the inside, so to speak. My husband hired Bás to ensure Frederick was in check and to keep you safe. I know that there were times when he perhaps should’ve stepped in and revealed himself. Instead, we let things happen, which on reflection we shouldn’t have. But Bás had to ensure his cover, and in the end, it paid off.”

“What will happen now? As you know, I’m setting up a second team which is even more secret than Eidolon, and I was hoping Bás would lead it.”

Jack had told Astrid all about Shadow Elite and the role they would play, and she’d even recommended one or two people she thought might be a good fit for the team which he’d taken on board.

There were no secrets between

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