Jack (Eidolon Black Ops #8) - Maddie Wade Page 0,70

recognised. It is our right.” Frederick was red in the face, a vein in the centre of his forehead pulsing with it as he made the statement.

“So, what’s your plan? Kill the Queen, overthrow the Monarchy, and claim the power for yourself?”

“For us, son. This is for you. One day you’ll have children and understand the sacrifices we parents make to ensure your futures.”

“Bullshit, this is for you. All you ever did was treat Will like shit. You had him locked up to cover for your crimes for fuck’s sake. Who does that to their own son?”

“Will was weak, rebellious. He never learned when to shut up and toe the line. Not like you. You were an exemplary soldier, brave and loyal. Will would have ruined that. An endeavour like this requires money and I could get that if I helped out men like al-Sabir.”

“Will is everything you’re not. Good, kind, loyal, and so damn clever he borders on genius and you’re too stupid to see it. He’s made more money than you could spend in ten lifetimes, and still, he’s humble and ready to put himself on the line for the good of others. You just want to lie and deceive and climb some imaginary ladder. He’s a hundred times the man you are.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“Adeline is secure. He was bluffing.”

It was time to wrap this up.

“I do mean it. You’re dead to me. I’ll never help you.”

“Then her sister dies.” His father pulled a gun and moved so it was pointing at Astrid.

Jack moved with him, grabbing the weapon from his back, and holding it steady on his father. He didn’t want to kill him, but he’d protect his firefly. “Her sister is secure. You were bluffing.”

“Motherfucker.” Astrid spat from behind him, and in any other situation he’d find it amusing.

He kept his eyes on Frederick. “Get up, firefly.”


Jack glanced down at Astrid for a split second. “Seriously? Can we do this later?”


He felt her grab his leg and take the knife from his boot before she stood.

“It’s over, Frederick.”

“No, it will never be over, and if I go down, so do you. I did all my transactions in your name.”

Jack shook his head, shocked at the depths he’d go to. “No, I won’t because Will fixed that. You have two options now, die or surrender.”

“You won’t kill me.”

“I don’t want to, but I will, to stop you.”

Jack felt the back of his neck tingle and moved to look behind him. A gun went off and he felt pain explode in his chest followed by the sight of his father falling to the ground, dead from a single shot to the head.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Astrid stepped into Jack’s office at Eidolon after her shower and locked the door. He was sitting at his desk, looking no worse for wear after being shot in the chest by his asshole of a father who was now deceased.

Her heart beat double time thinking of what might have been if he hadn’t been wearing one of the bulletproof vests Will had designed. It was simple for her—he’d hurt those she loved and deserved to die, but she knew for Jack and Will it was more complex. He’d given them life, and now he was dead.

Bás appearing at the eleventh hour and somehow bypassing everyone upstairs to get to the cellar and kill Frederick was somewhat of a shock. Bás shooting and killing Frederick as the man pulled the trigger on his own son was a relief to her though. Killing his dad would have taken something from Jack. Left a hole that nothing could heal and would’ve changed the man she loved inside. It was a debt she’d gladly owe Bás, although when she’d thanked him, he’d brushed it off as nothing. The man was an enigma, but she didn’t care about him right now. Her focus was Jack and what he needed.

“You doing okay?”

Jack twisted his chair to face her as she moved around the desk to him. He held his arms out to her as his eyes took her in from head to foot like a starving man. “I’m fine now you’re here.”

Astrid sat on his lap, looping her arms around his neck, the feel of his hard, firm body beneath her making arousal flood through her with needy desperation. His scent, so familiar now,6 never failed to set her alight with need but more than that, he smelled like home to her.

“I love you, Jack.” Her hand ran over his

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