Jack (Eidolon Black Ops #8) - Maddie Wade Page 0,49

gave a speech about the work being done there, and Astrid was standing off to one side watching the crowd. Jack angled his body towards her, so he saw the second her spine went straight, as invisible as it was, and her face paled.

He glanced around looking for the source of her unease and saw nothing for a minute, and finally spotted the source of her unease as a woman who was shorter than Astrid with dark hair, turned away. He glanced back to the woman he’d come to know so well these last few days and saw her knuckles were white as they clenched at her sides. When he looked back, the woman was gone.

He fought with the urge to go after her, but it could be a trap, so he stayed in place. His eyes were on the woman he could see was in pain. All he wanted to do was help ease whatever was causing it and he couldn’t.

As they moved off, he let his little finger graze hers. She hooked her finger around his for a second as if taking comfort in the secret gesture before it was lost and the distance was there again. Pressing his mic, he spoke low, so only Lopez could hear.

“I need eyes inside the school looking for a woman with dark hair, about five feet four. She left the sensory suite a few minutes ago. Find her.”

“On it.” Lopez went quiet, and Jack focused on the job in front of him safe in the knowledge his team would find her.

“Got her. She left the building out the back door and is heading east towards town.”

“Track her. Do not lose her.”

He didn’t know for sure, but everything about Astrid’s reaction told him that the woman was Adeline. If they could locate her, they might get some answers. As they made it through the tour, he kept a close eye on the room, reading the temperature of everyone in it and looking for any indication that there was a problem. He had to remember that while Astrid knew the woman her sister had been, she’d been assumed dead for four years which in itself made her an unknown.

He didn’t like to think wrong of Adeline because he knew it would devastate Astrid, but he wouldn’t compromise her safety by being stupid and trusting a woman he’d never met. There was a reason she’d disappeared, and until he knew what it was and what her intentions were, he wouldn’t allow Astrid to become a pawn or a casualty in her game.

“Blake, change of plans. I’m in the car with Queen and you take my spot.”

He waited for the pause, and then Blake confirmed. “Roger that.”

Jack never changed a plan halfway through an assignment, but this was different. Astrid was hurting and he needed to be near her, to offer what he could in the way of comfort.

Jack stepped forward as Blake stepped back, and he caught the scent of Astrid’s perfume, settling his anxiety over the situation they were in.

Fitz frowned as he helped the Queen into the car, followed by the Prince Consort, Astrid, and lastly him. He would want answers later as to what was happening, but Jack didn’t care.

The door closed, and moments later the car began to move. He could feel the tension coming from Astrid, and knew his boss could too, as she looked at her with kind concern.

“Are you unwell, Astrid?”

Astrid blinked, her eyes moving from the Queen to him and then back again. “No, ma’am.”

The Queen tipped her head. “Are you sure? You look like you saw a ghost.”

Astrid dropped her head to her hands before looking back up. “I think I did, ma’am.”

That was all the confirmation Jack needed to know he was on the right track.

“Perhaps Jack can make sure you get some rest this afternoon, and later, if you would be willing, there is something I wish to discuss with you. Perhaps over afternoon tea?”

Astrid nodded. “Of course, ma’am.”

The Queen nodded. “Good. That’s settled then.”

The Queen laid her hands in her lap, gloves covering her skin, and he saw the Prince Consort lay his hand over hers and squeeze.

“No meddling, ducky.”

The Queen gave him an affectionate look full of love and meaning, and one he’d rarely glimpsed between the couple who were so often guarded to the outside world. The intimacy they shared was just for their family to witness usually, and he understood the level of trust being bestowed on him and

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