The Jack of All Trades - M.A. Nichols Page 0,86

leave you be. We could invent a whole list of revolting habits bound to scare them away.”

Miss Barrows sighed. “I fear it only entices them. The less desirable I seem, the more they believe they have a chance at gaining my favor.”

“I knew a fellow who loved to drone on about himself without a dash of inflection. Few could stand his company for more than five minutes.”

Miss Barrows gave him an arched brow. “So, I am to bore my suitors away?”

Simon’s own brows matched hers. “Perhaps. Or you could prove yourself unsuitable for society.”

Her smile grew. “I could take up smoking and fisticuffs or riding astride and cursing like a sailor.”

Simon laughed at that image and shook his head. “Perhaps not. Unless you wish to become a pariah.”

“Best not then,” she said with a chuckle, her steps growing lighter. “I suppose patience is the only answer. No doubt I will find some peace eventually.”

The last strains of the song came to a close, ending their set, and Simon gave her a low bow. “I do hope your peace comes far sooner than that, Miss Barrows. Yours and Finch’s.”

Miss Barrows curtsied and squeezed his hand. “I live in hope.”

Before he could escort her from the dance floor, Mr. Drake appeared at Simon’s elbow.

“Would you mind introducing me to your charming dance partner, Mr. Kingsley?” he asked with a pointed look to Simon’s left. Miss Barrows did not see it, but Simon followed the gaze to see Finch standing there with an expectant look, nodding at Simon to do as Mr. Drake asked.

Simon provided the necessary greetings, and Mr. Drake immediately seized the opportunity to claim the next set with Miss Barrows. A younger gentleman had been moving in their direction, but he veered away when Miss Barrows took Mr. Drake’s arm. The gentleman gave Miss Barrows a kindly smile, and Simon left the pair to their conversation about Mr. Drake’s wife and children and Miss Barrows’ visit to Bristow.

Chapter 31

“That was nicely done, Finch,” said Mina, as the two of them stood to the side, watching Miss Barrows and Mr. Drake take their place in the figure.

“I have no idea what you mean,” he said, though they both knew that was a fib.

Let him pretend if he wished. Matters of the heart resolved in their due course, and Mina felt no need to hurry them along. Unless the pair proved incapable of mending things, in which case she felt no compunction over prodding them in the proper direction. But it did her good to see Finch making the effort. Hope was not lost as long as they both cared, and a gentleman did not go to such lengths without his heart being engaged.

Simon left his former partner in Mr. Drake’s care and turned his attention to Mina. His gaze held hers as he wove through the assembly room, and her cheeks pinked. She could not help it. Her husband could discompose her as no one else could, and Mina grinned like a fool as he joined her.

“Miss Barrows is a fine lady and an enjoyable companion,” he said with a decisive nod, as though expecting some opposition to that statement.

Holding her breath, Mina prayed her husband would leave it be. The adorable man meant well, but pestering Finch or Miss Barrows was not the solution. Simon gave his friend a pointed look, but Finch refused to meet his eye, choosing to watch the dancers. Or rather, one particular dancer.

“Simon.” She detested chiding him, but he was so determined to swoop in and resolve everything immediately, and these situations were far too precarious for heavy-handed approaches.

Her husband straightened, meeting her gaze with a wide-eyed look. “Not that I hold Miss Barrows in special regard.”

Mina’s brows scrunched together as she stared at Simon while Finch leveled a narrowed look at his friend.

“She is pleasant enough but not of particular interest to me,” added Simon as his hand crept up to fiddle with his cravat.

At that, both Mina and Finch’s heads cocked to the side, staring at Simon as the fellow hemmed and mumbled on about Miss Barrows, jumping between praising her and noting how unremarkable she was. The whole halting, awkward speech chilled Mina, filling her with a dread she refused to name. All his bizarre behavior of late surged into her memory, giving strength to the shiver running down her spine.

Then Simon stopped and straightened. Giving her a bright but brittle smile, he changed tack and said, “Mina, you look radiant tonight.”

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