The Ivy House - By Drea Stein Page 0,78

his escape.

No, instead, all he wanted to do was pull her closer to him, breathe in the scent of her hair, feel the rise and fall of her chest underneath his hands. He had stayed that way, unable to sleep, trying to understand just why he felt this way about a woman whom he’d only known a short time. This was totally different from what he had felt about the other women he’d let into his life.

Now he lay awake in the early hours of the morning, listening to the sway of the branches outside the window, hearing the sound of a warning buoy gently toll in the distance. He’d understood what she said about love. His own parents were reasonably happy, but he’d never given much thought to what he wanted. He had been too focused on winning at sailing and building his business to get entangled emotionally.

None of his other girlfriends had stayed long, and he’d grown tired of them long before he found some way to set them free gently or they’d wised-up and gotten out. Phoebe wasn’t fragile or a delicate flower. She didn’t need to be protected. She was self-contained. Talented.

Phoebe hadn’t held back on him tonight. He’d finally had all of her; she’d given freely. He didn’t want to let that go. That realization made him pull her tighter to him, causing him to kiss her hair, trace a finger down her bare back, relieved to see the way she murmured and turned, arched towards him.

Chase wasn’t sure whether he’d ever have enough of her, the way her red-gold hair blew in the wind or her blue eyes sparkled when she found something she thought was beautiful or interesting or the way her nose scrunched up and her freckles blended together when she concentrated. He knew that he’d bought his way into her life. She wouldn’t have stayed if he hadn’t offered her a job.

He fought against that thought as he kissed the nape of her neck, running his hand along her spine, cupping her buttocks to him, until she turned, her eyes awake, her mouth reaching for him. Chase wrapped himself around her, nudged her legs gently open, and pushed all thoughts of tomorrow away for the moment.

Chapter 37

Chase rolled the living room rug up to the legs of the couch and draped a drop cloth over it all.

“What are you doing?” Phoebe said, appearing in the doorway. She had slept later than she had meant to and woken to an empty bed and the smell of coffee. She had brushed her teeth, but skipped the shower. Her phone had been lying on the table next to her and she flipped through it. That’s when she had seen it.

“You said you’re ready to paint in here.”

“You’re painting?”

He looked at her. She had wrapped her robe tightly around her as if that could be her armor against him and the world.

“Is there something wrong with that?”

She forced herself to keep calm. “I take it you haven’t checked your phone today.”

He shot her a smile. “I was otherwise occupied.” He took a step towards her.

She held up her hand. “Don’t.”

Concern creased his face as he looked around. His phone was on the shelf and he walked over, flipped it on, and scanned it.

“Phoebe,” he looked up.

She shook her head. “This has your fingerprints all over it, Chase. How else would they have known where to get those photos! God, I’m practically naked in one of them.”

“You’re in a bikini. A really hot bikini, I might add,” Chase said.

Phoebe fought down the tears that had threatened to overtake her. The press had gotten a hold of their relationship and their business partnership. It was personal and detailed, rehashing everything about Savannah and Leland, Phoebe’s parents, Ivy House, and the deal she and Chase had struck.

There were half a dozen pictures of them kissing, holding hands, and sunbathing on Chase’s boat. There were even pictures of Savannah and Leland and the whole history.

“This is the kind of publicity money can’t buy.” Phoebe shook her head. “Sure beats dating the odd model for this kind of press. I hope you’re happy.”

Anger darkened Chase’s face and his eyes turned almost black. “You think I did this?”

“Who else? Who else would know this stuff? Where to find us, or all of these details about Savannah and my parents? They even have my favorite ice cream. I told you no press and you let them into our lives. Into this. I Copyright 2016 - 2024