The Ivy House - By Drea Stein Page 0,6

He could find out anything else he wanted to on the internet.

“Phoebe Ryan.” She couldn’t be invisible, not if she expected to spend any amount of time in Queensbay. Word was bound to get out.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you. And I’m sorry for your loss.” She gave a quick nod. It had been almost six weeks since Savannah had died, but it was the sympathy from strangers that still got her. She managed to blink away the tears that were forming.

“Here, please take the envelope. Like I said, it’s a good offer. More than fair and, well, you’ll be getting more of them, so I just want to make sure that you have mine.”

“Listen, I told you,” Phoebe started, her anger quickly replacing her tears.

“I know, Ivy House isn’t for sale,” Chase said, his face serious now. “But just in case.”

He practically shoved it into her hand and she had no choice but to accept it. She gritted her teeth as she took it, their hands brushing, and she felt an unfamiliar thrill of electricity run through her at his touch. Chase must have felt it too because he looked at her and time seemed to halt for a moment, and then Phoebe became hyperaware of everything around her. The small settling sounds of the house, the chirps of the birds outside, the gentle sway of the branches.

Then the moment broke because he picked up her hand, brought it gently to his lips, and said, “Perhaps you’ll come around. Until we meet again.”

He dropped her hand finally and brushed past her on his way out the door. She heard the fluttering sound of more plaster falling as he walked down the hallway. Reluctantly, she trailed after him and watched him as he strolled with his hands stuck in his pockets, whistling as he made his way out the front door, down the steps, out onto the path, and through the rickety gate. He turned once, gave a wave, and then kept walking. Phoebe watched him go and then found herself leaning against the wall, hearing the whisper of dust as it fell down behind her.

She had no intention of selling Ivy House, at least not anytime soon, but she couldn’t get the wild thoughts out of her head, thoughts of how it would have felt if she had stretched upwards a little farther and let her lips brush against Chase’s face and feel his perfectly-formed lips upon hers.

Chapter 5

“Hi there.” Phoebe turned to see a woman standing on her porch.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to intrude. I’m Lynn Masters. I live next door.” Lynn was shorter than Phoebe by a couple of inches, with long, wavy brown hair and dark chocolate-colored eyes. She was wearing blue hospital scrubs and had a welcoming smile on her face.

“Hi. Phoebe Ryan,” Phoebe said, stuffing Chase’s envelope into her pocket. How long she had been standing there, in the hallway, dazed, with the front door wide open, she didn’t know.

“Are you related?”

“Excuse me?” Phoebe braced herself. Her brush with anonymity was truly over, she supposed.

“Your last name. Were you really related to Savannah Ryan?” Lynn asked, excitement sparking in her eyes.

“Yes. I’m her granddaughter.” Phoebe said, stepping onto the porch. The sun was out in full force and the porch was warmer—much warmer—than the inside of the house, and Phoebe realized it felt nice.

“Wow, that is so cool. My parents moved here about two years ago. My mom was so excited when the real estate agent told her that Savannah Ryan lived here, she nearly had a cow, but of course once we moved in, she realized that it didn’t mean Savannah still lived here.”

Phoebe gave a small smile. Lynn was chatty and, apparently, a fan, or at least her mom was. Once people found out the relationship, they usually pumped Phoebe for information. Over the years, Phoebe had learned to keep quiet about the family connection with Savannah if she didn’t want total strangers asking her bizarrely private questions, like if Savannah really spent all day in pink silk pajamas.

“Looks like you have your work cut out for you,” Lynn said and Phoebe forced her attention back to her.


“This house. It’s such a great-looking place, but the last couple of tenants were a little crazy. College kids. Threw some great parties though.”

“Oh.” Phoebe looked around, remembering the condition of the property. “Yeah, it will probably take a while to clean it up.”

“Did you know Savannah well? Oh gosh, where are my manners. I Copyright 2016 - 2024