The Ivy House - By Drea Stein Page 0,58

And then you can really start to move in.”

One more night. Lynn’s mother had offered her the guest bedroom on a permanent basis while the floors were being done, but so far, she’d been able to stay in the house. Jake, since he was Chase’s floor guy, was giving her a deal, which meant he worked on her house in between his other jobs.

“It looks beautiful.” Chase gestured towards the living room. Phoebe had picked the darker stain. The wood had been restored beautifully and the floors gleamed, looking sharp and clean. Unfortunately, it only made the paint look more dingy. Phoebe wanted to take her time picking colors, and this way she could live in the house and restore it at the same time.

“Really, it does,” Phoebe agreed. She supposed another night at the Masters’ home was a small price to pay for perfect hardwood floors.

“Great.” Jake took another bite of his sandwich and spoke around a mouthful. “Why don’t the two of you get out of here so we can finish up?”

Phoebe couldn’t help herself, gazing up the stairs, to the landing, and the attic piled high with the remnants of Savannah’s life.

“Don’t even think about,” Jake said, watching her gaze. “You can’t walk up there.”

Phoebe laughed and held up her hands in mock surrender. “OK, I get it. I’ll get out.”

She thanked Jake and walked out the door into a beautiful spring day. She sensed Chase’s presence behind her, but did not turn.

“So, fancy going for a sail?”

“A what?” Phoebe turned and looked at Chase. He was making a habit of just showing up and she could see he was serious, completely serious.

“A sail. You said you liked boats. Mine happens to be at the marina, and it’s a beautiful spring day, with a nice breeze. There’s a deli that will make us some nice sandwiches, a couple of sodas, maybe a glass of wine?”

“Are you sure this isn’t just a chance for me to check out your sheets?”

Chase smiled, and she felt heat shoot through her. “As I was trying to tell you that night, I think there’s a gap in the market. Boat sheets are boring, bland. And you, I mean, your designs seem anything but.”

“So it’s another business meeting?” Phoebe challenged.

“We boaters like to call it a pleasure cruise.” He was joking, a cheesy-looking leer on his face. He topped it off with a wink and Phoebe had to laugh. But she felt her breath hitch and flame of desire lick through her as she gave serious consideration to the fact that she would be alone on a boat with him.

“Is it going to rain?” The sky was clear, but she could see a sort of haze settling over the harbor.

“Not until much later. Right now, it’s a great day out.” He’d pushed back his sunglasses so she could see his eyes gazing down at her, and she knew he wanted her to say yes. Phoebe hesitated for a moment, her brain screaming at her to say no, that she should go find someplace to hunker down, open up her laptop, do some work, but her body was sizzling with electricity, the thrill of being near Chase, of wanting to be near him.

“Fine. But I get to steer,” Phoebe said.

Chapter 26

She had run upstairs to pack a bag and then dropped it off at the Masters’ house, briefly telling Mrs. Masters where she was going.

“A sail. Isn’t it supposed to rain?” Mrs. Masters said, glancing at the sky and then back towards Chase who had walked in with Phoebe.

“Oh, I think it will hold off. We should be fine,” Chase said and then shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. Mrs. Masters was giving him that look, the look moms used to give him when he came to pick up their daughters.

Phoebe came downstairs wearing khaki shorts and a collared shirt tied at the waist. A fleece was thrown over her shoulders and she had a pair of sunglasses and her camera.

“We’ll be back later,” Chase said, trying not to be obvious in noticing the way Phoebe’s shorts showed off just about every inch of her long, tan, golden California legs.

He saw Mrs. Masters give him a look, so with one eyebrow raised and a smile, he turned on all of his charm.

“I promise I’ll have her back in one piece, before sundown,” Chase said, pulling his eyes away from Phoebe’s thighs.

His charm worked. Mrs. Masters gave them some cookies and shooed them off. Chase Copyright 2016 - 2024