The Ivy House - By Drea Stein Page 0,36

from her, no matter how rakish his grin or how much she wanted to kiss him.

With every ounce of self-control she could muster, she pushed her wine glass away from her. “This, whatever this is, is over.” She was off the bar chair in a flash, only stopping to say something to Paulie, the bartender.

“We’re finished here. You can just add it to my room tab.”

With that gesture, and hoping Chase didn’t take it upon himself to order a steak dinner, Phoebe stalked up to her room, fumbled with her key, and got herself in. She half-expected Chase to follow her, but when he didn’t, she was torn between being relieved and disappointed. Still, she made sure the door was double-locked as she threw herself down on the bed, eyes open, staring at the ceiling, willing her body to calm down.

Why was her heart racing? When she closed her eyes, why could she only see his face, close up, dark, intense eyes, searching into her? God, she had pretty much bared her soul to him after one glass of wine. She could talk about her family, but she almost never did, and certainly not with some guy she had just met.

She rolled over and pulled out the card Chase had given her from his purse. She almost snorted.

Slowly, as the wine settled in her stomach and her heart slowed, she thought that perhaps Chase Sanders, as the president of a major sporting goods company, really had been talking about the bunks in his boat and actual sheets for them. Perhaps she had just blown a chance for a design deal with a major catalog.

Sighing, Phoebe rolled over and reached for the drawer in the bedside table where she had stashed a candy bar. Chocolate, caramel, nuts, nougat. It had all the important food groups and would count for dinner, since there was no way she was going down to the dining room again and risk running into Chase Sanders.

Chapter 15

It took Chase another beer before he worked out just why Phoebe had walked out on him. When he did, he hooted in laughter and slapped the bar top so hard Paulie looked over at him. Chase waved him away and continued to eat his steak. Phoebe Ryan had thought he was coming on to her, not trying to make a business proposition. And she’d been offended.

An interesting reaction, Chase thought, as he speared a piece of asparagus. The steak, potatoes, and asparagus were decent here, but not the best. Since he’d bought out his dad’s share of the marina last year, he’d focused on upgrading the docks and was only just now turning his attention to the hotel and restaurant. It might be time this place got a little spiffed up.

Still, he wasn’t used to women saying no to him. For the most part, when he beckoned, even if it was with a crook of his finger, they came running. True, most of them hadn’t engaged his interest for long, and none of them had half the mystique of Phoebe Ryan, who seemed to have inherited her grandmother’s trick of appearing both aloof and alluring at the same time.

He speared a thick-cut steak fry as he watched the home-team batter knock out a home run. Phoebe Ryan had another thing coming if she thought she could get rid of him so easily. Chase wanted her talent, and now, dammit, if he didn’t want Phoebe Ryan along with it.

Chapter 16

“You’re making some good progress.”

Lynn Masters appeared in the front hallway of Ivy House, startling Phoebe, who jumped and then turned. She smiled when she saw who it was. Lynn was wearing scrubs again, and Phoebe wondered if she ever took them off.

Phoebe wiped a hand across her forehead, drawing away some of the sweat that had accumulated. It was surprisingly warm for spring and she was feeling her exertion in the way her clothes were sticking to her, damp with sweat.

“Thanks.” Phoebe looked around. She had made good progress. All of the big stuff was in the driveway, waiting for a rubbish removal company to come and haul it all away. She had scrubbed, swept, and mopped most of the first floor.

“This room isn’t so bad.” Lynn pointed at the large space that Phoebe had decided would be the living room.

“I think if I redo the floors and paint, we’re golden. The kitchen is another story, but I’m having a new fridge delivered in a couple of days. In the meantime, Copyright 2016 - 2024