It's A Wonderful Midlife Crisis (Good To The Last Death #1) - Robyn Peterman Page 0,56

paying for your own celebration.”

“We’ve all got this,” June said, pulling out a credit card. “We can all split it evenly and pay for Heather.”

“Umm… I drank a little more than the rest of you lightweights,” Jennifer pointed out accurately. “I should pay more.”

“All comes out in the wash,” Missy said, giving Jennifer a quick hug. “No worries.”

We paid and walked out together. I was blessed to have these women in my life. I’d noticed a few covert glances between Heather and Missy. It was obvious they still had feelings for each other. I would never get involved, but I wished with all my heart that they could work it out. Love was something that didn’t always come along. If it was there, they needed to grab it and hang on.

“Heather,” I called out as we all headed to our cars. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Always,” she said. “Oh, how was Gram?”

My friend had no clue how loaded her question was. “She was good.”

“Awesome. What can I help you with?”

“If someone possibly knew something about something and wanted something done about it, how would they go about doing that?” I asked and then winced. The sentence made no sense whatsoever.

Heather cocked her head to the side and squinted at me. “Want to rephrase?”

“Yes. Definitely,” I said with an embarrassed laugh. “Let’s say I knew something possibly illegal had happened, and I had proof. I couldn’t say how I knew how to get the proof or what I might have done to get it. What exactly would I do with that proof?”

Heather was quiet for a long moment as she stared at me. I squirmed under her steady gaze. She either thought I was crazy or I was into something bizarrely bad. Both options were true depending on how you looked at it.

“You would give it to me,” she said.

I waited for her to question me more. She didn’t.

“Umm… okay,” I said hesitantly. “Can I come over tomorrow night after you’re done taking the bar?”

Heather nodded. I couldn’t believe she didn’t press for more, but Heather was that kind of friend. God, I was lucky.

“Yep. And Daisy?”


There was another long pause as I watched Heather search for what she wanted to say.

“Nothing. Just be careful,” she said, giving me a hug.

“I will. I have two dogs now. Not really great guard dogs, but better than nothing,” I told her, trying to lighten the heaviness of the conversation.

“Not what I meant, but okay,” she replied with a smile as she got in her car.

“Heather,” I said as I pulled my keys out of my purse. “Which one of you found Donna for me?”

Heather laughed and shook her head. “Which one of us do you think picked Donna?”

“I’d guess you,” I said as a strange and unfamiliar tingle ran through my body.

“Then you would have guessed correctly,” she said as she eased her car out of the spot and backed up. “I’ll see you tomorrow night, Daisy.”

“Yep. Tomorrow,” I said as I watched her drive away.

My mind raced with all kinds of unbelievable scenarios. I needed to stop. My imagination was going to get me into trouble. My reality was unreal enough as it was. I didn’t need to be attributing weird to things that were normal.

It was time to go home. I checked my watch and sighed. It was only eight o’clock. I knew Gideon would show up at ten. Maybe I could catch a quick nap before the ass came over.

Or maybe I would put on some makeup and change out of my jeans… Or maybe not.

It wasn’t a date. It wasn’t a booty call. It was nothing. He could talk for a half hour and then I would kick him out.

If Gideon was indeed the Grim Reaper, I had some questions for him. Did I want the answers? Probably not. However, I was fairly sure he didn’t care what I wanted.

Yay me. Today had been the longest day of my life so far and it wasn’t over yet. Hopefully the worst wasn’t yet to come.

“The couch actually belongs to me,” I said with a laugh, shoving both Donna and Karen over. “My butt is bigger than two inches wide.”

Donna barked and Karen made a silly whiney sound as her tail wagged spastically. If sitting on the couch was going to be an issue, I couldn’t wait to see what would happen when the three of us went to bed.

“Okay dead friends, you have a choice,” I announced, grabbing the Copyright 2016 - 2024