It's A Wonderful Midlife Crisis (Good To The Last Death #1) - Robyn Peterman Page 0,104

happy in my life. I’m in love with you, Grim Reaper.”

Gideon’s grin lit his face, making him go from gorgeous to otherworldly beautiful. He stole my breath and my heart.

“Counselor, I’ll take very good care of your love,” he said, kissing me senseless. “You have my word.”

“And I’ll take good care of yours too,” I promised. “Always.”

Jennifer marched into the room twenty minutes later and screamed with delight as she caught Gideon and me in a make-out session worthy of two teenagers—at least we were still dressed.

“Better than porn,” she cackled. “Get your ass to the bathroom sink, Daisy. Lover boy is gonna have to wait unless you wanna make out in a swimming pool.”

“On it,” I said with a bright pink blush staining my cheeks. “I’m on it.”

As I ran out of the room with my tool belt and Jennifer on my heels, she pulled me to a stop.

“Baby, I believe with all my heart that Steve would be real happy for you,” she told me.

I smiled and wanted to cry. She was right. She had no clue how right she was.

“Thank you.” I gave her a hug and rested my head on her shoulder. “I think he would be too.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Steve,” I yelled as I tossed my purse on the foyer table. “You’re going to be so proud of me.”

There was no answer. Maybe he was with Gram. Although, I’d popped into the nursing home after I’d fixed the sink and Steve wasn’t there. Jennifer had been profusely thankful that I’d been able to stop the leak and offered to take me out to our favorite Mexican place. I took a rain check. Of course, the tardy plumber arrived right when I’d finished. He’d been impressed with my handiwork, but I was sure by the time he was finished he would leave a hefty bill. Jennifer had also had a go at trying to repair the toilet.

“Steve,” I called out again. “I have news! Get your butt out here.”

I’d used my new lady balls and told Gram about Gideon last week. She’d rolled her eyes and informed me that Gideon had already been by to tell her. He’d earned massive points by watching a marathon of The Price is Right with her.

She’d apparently grilled him and made him swear on his life that he wasn’t gay. I was delighted to have missed that. In the end, he’d convinced her he was straight and had noble intentions. She was surprisingly fine with the fact that her granddaughter who could see the dead was dating the Grim Reaper.

Weird didn’t even begin to define my life. But my life had never been so good.

“Steve, where are you?”

I searched the family room and the kitchen. There were ten new squatters in different stages of decomposition who’d taken up residence. The superglue had been put to good use. There was one gal who lost her hand several times a day. Thankfully, she thought it was hilarious when I glued it back on. I kind of hoped she stayed around for a while. She was a hoot.

I’d tried the Ouija board with some of my guests, but they didn’t have anything to tell me. My guess was that they weren’t quite ready yet. It didn’t concern me. They would come to me when the time was right.


An alarming thought hit me. Had Steve gone into the light while I wasn’t here? He’d accomplished his goal for coming back. I felt whole and I’d found my person.

Horrible thoughts accelerated in my mind. They wouldn’t slow down and breathing took effort. I stood still and gathered myself. Steve would roll his eyes at my mini panic attack. We were going to laugh about this as soon as I found him.

I was pretty sure I had to be with the dead in order for them to go into the light, but I’d only been doing it for a few weeks. Starting to feel desperate, I ran through the house looking for my best friend.

“Donna, have you seen Steve?” I demanded as I yanked open the back door and scanned the yard, feeling sick to my stomach. Steve liked to sit under the oak and listen to the birds.

He wasn’t there.

Donna barked but didn’t wag her tail.

“Does that mean yes?” I questioned, sprinting to the stairs and taking them two at a time. Steve and I still had more places to go. There was no way he’d left without saying goodbye.

He’d recently asked to see his gravesite.

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