It's a Wonderful Death - Sarah J. Schmitt Page 0,54

never got to say any of that when I was alive. I was more concerned about what other people were thinking and putting on a brave front. Thanks.”

“No problem.” We look at each other and then burst into laughter like only two soul friends can.

“Hate to break up the party,” a voice booms from behind us. I don’t have to turn around. I know Death Himself has come for me.

Chapter 21

“Not yet,” Madeline begs. “She’s not ready.”

I turn around slowly to face Death Himself as he responds to Madeline. “I’m sorry, but they are.” He touches her gently on the cheek and I’m drawn in by his unexpected compassion. Too bad it’s not for me.

But when he turns to face me, it’s still there. “Come on, kid.”

Before I can move, Madeline leaps at me, pulling me into a tight hug. “I’m going to miss you,” she whispers. Releasing me, she turns to Death Himself and shakes her finger at him. “You better fight for her.”

He holds up his hands in surrender but there is an underlying chuckle in his voice when he answers, “I’ll do my best.”

“I’m counting on it,” she mutters, giving my hand one last squeeze before whispering, “Tell Daniel I’m okay. He’s trying to be strong for everyone, but he’s hurting so much.”

What is it with girls wanting me to pass along messages? First Sandy wants me to talk her fiancé’s parents into letting him die and now Madeline is asking me to provide comfort for her high school sweetheart. When I hesitate she adds, “Promise me.”

I nod my head quickly. “I will. I promise.” And from somewhere deep inside, I get the urge to hold up my pinkie.

Madeline giggles when she sees me and quickly laces her thin finger with mine. “You remember our pinkie shake.”

“No,” I answer truthfully. “It’s more of a gut thing. I just knew I was supposed to do that.”

She smiles. “When I was sick, after the bone marrow transplant, you would come into my room and tell me about what was happening in school. I’ll never forget how you looked covered from head to toe in a blue hospital gown.”

Her description triggers something, and I remember the attire, including the booties over my shoes. “You were really tired. I never knew if you were listening or sleeping.”

“I was listening,” she assures me. “I heard every word.”

I feel the waterworks starting up again. “When I would leave, you would hold up your pinkie just enough for me to slip mine underneath. That’s how you said goodbye.”

Of course Death Himself picks this moment to interrupt us. “This is touching and everything, but we need to go. I can’t have you blubbering like an idiot before the Tribunal.”

Madeline and I both roll our eyes in perfect unison. I give her one last hug before taking a deep breath. “I’m ready.”

He offers me the sleeve of his cloak and I take it. Madeline disappears like a shimmering mirage and the next thing I know, we’re standing in front of Judgment Hall. I’d like to say it looks less intimidating than before. I’d also like to say I’m less nervous about standing before the Tribunal. But if I did, both would be lies. After all this time and who knows what changes await me back in my old life, I really, really want to go back. The thought that the Tribunal might reject my appeal makes me sick.

Death Himself tries to make me feel better. “You know they expected you to mess this little test up, right? Especially that last one. But you didn’t.”

“It wasn’t as hard as I thought,” I admit.

“The test itself, no. It’s what you, the new you, learned from the whole experience that matters. You know how Zachriel can see into your memories? Well, they’re going to expect him to dig around in that brain of yours and find any indication that you will turn out like your old self. If he uncovers anything, and I mean anything, that indicates you will, Azbaugh is going to make sure your request is denied. You’ll spend the rest of your lifeline in the Afterlife.”

For the record, Death Himself sucks at pep talks. Trying to hold on to my last sliver of hope, I ask, “But if they turn back the hands of time—”

“Don’t you get it?” Death Himself interrupts, looking at me like he’s not sure how clueless I am. “They already did. Your fate has been cast by your actions. You have already Copyright 2016 - 2024