It's a Wonderful Death - Sarah J. Schmitt Page 0,29

fight. “While that may be true, you do not have the power to interfere with the stream of time without our approval.”

A slow smile spreads across Death Himself’s face. “Well, then, it seems we are at an impasse.”

Azbaugh glares from Death Himself to me and back to Death Himself. A chill runs through me and I get the feeling he could walk into a pen of puppies and start kicking without any remorse.

“And just what do you propose?” Azbaugh asks, his teeth grinding together. It sounds like nails on a chalkboard multiplied by ninety.

“A test,” Death Himself suggests. “One that will allow RJ to set her life back on the path she was meant to be on.”

“I’m listening,” Azbaugh replies, but the way his eyes narrow tells me he couldn’t care less about the proposition.

“A guide will be assigned to take her back to a moment in her life when she made the choice to be less than she was meant to be. Assuming she makes the right choice, the timeline will be reset and RJ will return to the land of the living.”

Azbaugh shakes his head. “Just because she makes one change doesn’t mean she’s learned anything.”

“No,” Death Himself agrees, “but it will set her life on a different course.”

“I’m not convinced,” Marmaroth interjects. “Yes, her life will change, but life is a series of decisions that define us. One change when she is young can be nullified by an action when she’s older.”

Azbaugh nods in agreement. “This is a foolish proposition meant to disrupt this hearing. I suggest—”

Marmaroth interrupts. “Perhaps five points spread throughout her life span would be more sufficient. Since each moment will ultimately build on the previous one, we can be assured that a solid foundation has been laid out for a worthy life.”

Having people talk about me like I’m not in the room is humiliating. Risking the wrath of Azbaugh, I speak up. “Can I say something?”

“No,” Azbaugh says. At the same time, Death Himself answers, “Yes.”

The two stare each other down until Azbaugh finally relents. “What?” he snaps.

Wringing my hands together, I ask, “Was I really that horrible? I mean, if I had lived the long life I was supposed to have, was I going to turn out to be a horrible person? Because the way you talk about me, you’d think I was destined to be a serial killer.”

The Tribunal is quiet, as is Zachriel. Even Sal avoids my eyes.

“You’re kidding,” I say. “I’m a criminal?”

Death Himself laughs and he continues doing so until tears roll down his cheeks.

“I really don’t think I said anything funny,” I say with a huff.

He shakes his mane of hair and I can smell the salt water and sand perfuming the air. “It’s not you, really. I just love it when the angels are rendered speechless.” He wipes his eyes and stands, walking to face me across the table. He kneels down and looks me in the eyes. “They aren’t speaking because they don’t know. When Gideon collected your soul, your Akashic Records became undecipherable. The only reason Hazel knew your actual death date was because of her status as your Guardian Angel. The Tribunal is basing their decision on nothing more than a lot of what ifs.”

“Isn’t there anything you can do?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “Not really.” I feel the blood drain from my face. “On the bright side,” he adds, “since I have decided to be a part of this process, they can’t condemn you without my agreement. It’s our version of checks and balances.”

Well, that’s a relief. A spark of hope is growing again.

He smiles and his eyes crinkle with laugh lines. “Now, let me finish this negotiation and then we’ll get you out of here, alright?”

I take a deep breath. “Okay.” I really hope he knows what he’s doing.

He winks and then stands to face the jury of angels. “Five points over seventeen years seems excessive. It’s not like we have eternity to make the final decision. Well, we do, but I’m sure you have other matters to tend to. Besides, there’s a swell heading for the Banzai Pipeline. I’d hate to miss those waves. I propose we split the difference. Three points of my choosing based on the moments where RJ’s life veered too far off course.”

Hold up. Is Death Himself making this deal because he would rather be surfing? Please tell me someone is messing with me and an actor with a camera is going to come out Copyright 2016 - 2024