It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,92

into the dining room and eat them, have some peace and quiet for a little bit.”

“Thanks, mom,” I said. “Do you want me to help, or...?”

“No, it’s fine darling, go on now.”

“Where are you going, Gemma?” My grandma looked at me with a frown.

“I’m going to sit in the dining room, mom’s going to make me some breakfast then I’ll be back to help cook, okay?”

“Okay, I guess.” She shook her head and looked at my mother, rolling her eyes. I knew she thought my mom spoiled me. I knew she thought that she should be the one in charge of everything all the time. But it was my mom’s house and my mom’s rules, no matter how much my grandma wanted to be in charge. When we were at my parents’ house, my mom was the one that had the final say. Maybe it was because my grandparents were from my dad’s side, that they didn’t push it so much. I was pretty sure that if it had been my mom’s parents, they would have definitely taken over. I walked to the dining room and sat down and took out my phone. I had two text messages and groaned when I saw them. One was from Lucas and one was from Connor. I opened the first text message and read it quickly.

Lucas: Hey doll, excited to see you tonight. Text me when you’re on the way over, XOXO.

I smiled and responded quickly.

Gemma: Just got to my parents and about to have some breakfast. Will definitely text when I’m on the way. See you later.

I press send and then I open Connor’s text message. I could feel myself warming as I read his words. There was just something so naughty and exciting about him even via text.

Connor: I can still taste you on my lips, I can still taste you on my tongue, the only thing that I wish now is that I had not made you come.

I laughed at his little poem. “What does that mean?” I said quickly, as I responded back to him.

Gemma: What do you mean?

Connor: What does that mean? I think it’s apparent.

Gemma: I want to know why you said you wished you had not made me come.

Connor: Number one, it rhymed. Smiley face. And number two, because I wanted tomorrow to be the first time that I got to see that orgasmic look on your face.

Gemma: Do you regret seeing that orgasmic look on my face in the dressing room?

I looked around the dining room to make sure that none of my relatives were somehow able to gaze at my phone.

Connor: Not really, but we got interrupted so quickly I didn’t get to appreciate the moment as much as I would have liked. Grin face.

Gemma: I see.

I laughed as I pressed the message back.

Gemma: I didn’t get to see your o-face at all.

Connor: That’s because you didn’t make me come.

Gemma: Well, maybe I’ll be able to change that tomorrow.

Connor: I hope so. Winky face.

I could feel my face, bright red. What was I doing? How was I flirting with this guy, telling him that I was going to make him come tomorrow when I had a date with another guy tonight? I quickly closed my phone and put it back into my pocket. I needed to watch myself. I needed to really think about what I was saying and doing. A part of me was definitely starting to feel more attracted to Connor but what was the point of that? I knew that he didn’t want anything serious and I knew that I did. Ultimately, I did want something serious. Ultimately, next Christmas, I wanted to be able to bring someone home to meet the parents and let them know that it was going somewhere; even if it wasn’t going somewhere right away, it had potential to go somewhere and Connor had potential to go nowhere. He’d already been honest about that.

I was absolutely crazy. I was one of those girls that I told myself I’d never be. I’d always said to myself, if I knew a guy did not have long-term potential, I wouldn’t bother seeing him anymore because it was just a waste of my time. But here I was flirting up a storm with Connor and I knew it had potential to go nowhere. My phone beeped and I shook my head, “I’m not going to answer it,” I said to myself. “I’m not going to answer, I’m not going to Copyright 2016 - 2024