It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,141

love me, Connor?” I said, “Or do you just love having sex with me?”

“That’s not even funny,” he said, his finger on my lips. “Don’t joke about that, okay? You know I love you, all of you.”

“I know,” I said, as I scrambled off of the bed.

“Where are you going?” He said with a frown.

“I’m putting my clothes on because if anyone walks in here and sees me butt naked on the bed, I don’t care what sort of good impression you’ve made on them so far, they will kill you and chase you out of here, and I will never be able to see you again.”

“Oh yeah?” He grinned. “Well then, hurry up and put your clothes on.”

“Oh, so now you care about their opinion of you?”

“I’ve always cared about their opinion of me, Gemma. They’re the most important people to you in the world. And as such, they’ll be important to me too.”

“Oh yeah?” I said as I quickly pulled on my skirt and my top. “I didn’t realize you cared what they thought.”

“Oh, I care,” he said. “You’re going to be my wife one day, Gemma, and they’re going to be my family too. So, it’s better for us to start it off right, right?”

“Yeah,” I said and leaned up and kissed him. “I love you, Connor Chamberlain.”

“Not as much as I love you, Gemma Doukas. My love and my hard cock will last for you, forever.”


Thank you for reading It’s Complicated. You can read Sarah and Harry’s book in One Night Pact. Please join my mailing list to never miss any new releases. Continue reading for a teaser from One Night Pact.


Chapter One


“Sarah, I need for you to do me a huge favor, okay?” The sweet begging note in Harry’s voice alerted me to the fact that he was going to ask me to do something I didn’t want to do. I was used to that dulcet tone, the one that made you think that butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. But I’d known Harry for too long. He’d asked me to do too many favors that had blown up in my face, to make me say yes without knowing exactly what he wanted me to do.

“What's the favor, Harry?” I asked my best friend trying not to give him any encouragement. If he thought I was going to acquiesce, he’d ask me for more than one favor and I’d get off the phone wondering what I’d just gotten myself into. I was attempting to create boundaries with him. We were best friends yes, but I wasn’t going to be his doormat any longer. He always wanted to ask me for favors yet, he was never willing to do any favors for me. Not that I’d ever really asked him for anything. But still, it seemed to be a one way street on the favor highway.

“I need you to go down to Macy's and I need you to buy some Christmas presents for me.” His voice was sweet. “Please, I would owe you forever.”

“What Christmas presents, Harry?” I frowned into the phone, wondering why on earth he wanted me to buy Christmas presents for him.

“Oh, just stuff you think you'd like.”

“Stuff I think I'd like? Are these presents for me?” I highly doubted it.

“Not quite.” He coughed and immediately I was suspicious.

“So then who are the presents for Harry?”

“Well, if I have to tell you...” He paused. “I don't really want to say, because I know you're going to judge me.”

“Harry, tell me right now, who are these presents for?” I walked to my bedroom and sat down on my mattress. I was feeling slightly tired and was ready for a quick afternoon nap in my bed.

“Sarah can't you do something for me without having to know the answers to everything? Do you have to know the why?”

“Yes, Harry, I need to know the why.” I leaned back on my bed and yawned. “I’m tired and want to go to bed for a couple of hours. So if you’re not going to tell me...”

“Fine. There are three girls I've kind of been seeing casually and I think all of them are expecting a Christmas present. So I need for you to get them Christmas presents because I don't have time.”

“Oh my gosh. Are you actually asking me to get presents for your girlfriends?” This was a new low for Harry. I mean yes, we were best friends, but this was too much.

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