It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,13

a bit?” He said softly and I nodded. I looked at the menu and debated over having a slice of German pie or red velvet cake.

“What do you think you’re going to have?” I asked him softly.

“Well there’s some really good choices here. I was looking at the lemon meringue pie, the chocolate mousse pie, carrot cake, apple pie, blueberry pie.” He grinned. “Or maybe I’ll just have a slice of all of them.”

“I have an idea,” I said eagerly. “What about you choose a slice and I choose a slice and then we can both share? So that way we get to try two.”

“I have an even better idea,” he said as he leaned forward.

“Oh yeah. What’s that?” I said.

“How about you choose two pies and I choose two pies and then we get to try a taste of four?”

“Really? You don’t think that’s too much?”

“Of course not. And if we can’t finish them, hey we can take them home,” he leaned back.

“I mean that’s okay if you’re okay with taking some pie home. I’m always okay with taking some pie home.” I grinned at him. “That sounds good. So you choose two and I choose two?”

“Yeah. So what two are you thinking you’re going to get?”

“Well, I love red velvet cake. So I’m definitely choosing red velvet cake and maybe the German cake too.”

“Good choices. I will get the lemon meringue pie and let’s see. Maybe we can try this blackberry and apple pie.”

“That sounds good.” I nodded. “And then I guess I’ll get a hot chocolate.”

“Yeah, we should get the original hot chocolate. They put marshmallows on top and then they roast the marshmallows. So it’s all nice and crisp. Delicious.”

“Oh, this sounds great. Really delicious” I knew that I was talking and babbling on, but I didn’t really know what else to say. I was not normally this girl. I always had something to say, but his dazzling good looks were affecting me in ways that my body hadn’t been affected in years.

“So Gemma, I have to admit that I find you absolutely gorgeous,” he chuckled. “I shouldn’t have said that should I?”

“Why shouldn’t you have said that?”

“Well, it’s not normally the thing to tell a woman that you’re that attracted to her right off the bat.”

“Oh, and why is that?” I teased him.

“Well,” he said, “once a woman knows you’re into her, then she knows she has the upper hand.”

“And there’s something wrong with that?” I raised an eyebrow and he laughed.

“Oh, there’s a lot wrong with that. Once a woman knows she has the upper hand, she can get you to do absolutely anything.”

“Really now,” I laughed. “So you’re telling me I can get you to do absolutely anything?”

“Within reason, of course.”

“Oh, I might just have to test that out. What exactly can I get you to do?”

“Well, what is it that you’d like me to do, Gemma?”

“I don’t know. What is it that you’d like me to like you to do?”

“Well, I mean, I’d love it if you’d like me to kiss you.”

“Oh.” I sat back, slightly shocked. “Really?”

He started laughing. “Wow. I guess I was a bit too forward there.”

“No, I mean, I like your honesty. I was just surprised. I just wasn’t thinking that you’d say that. I mean, we just met like five, ten minutes ago.”

“Yeah. But as soon as I saw those juicy pink lips of yours, I knew.”

“Oh, you’re awfully forward. Aren’t you?” I didn’t know what to think. Yeah, I liked the fact that he was attracted to me. And yeah, if I was honest, I wanted to kiss him too. And most probably more because I could already tell that he had a body out of this world just by looking at him in his crisp white shirt. But I was looking for more than sexual attraction with someone. I was looking for the whole package. And kissing him and making out with him and going back to his place or my place at the end of this date, just was not going to be an option.

I knew I’d told Sarah that I’d be okay kissing and making out with multiple guys. But I wasn’t going to do it on the first date because there might be a lot of first dates to come. And I really didn’t want to be kissing fifteen, twenty different guys in two weeks. That was a bit much, even for me.

“Gemma. I hope I didn’t shock you,” he said, his Copyright 2016 - 2024