It Wasn't Me - Lani Lynn Vale Page 0,66

that mean that she wanted me to tell them?

I opened my mouth and let it all fly.

“Piper had an ultrasound today after her accident. She is indeed pregnant.”

Cheyenne started clapping her hands.

Sam’s eyes narrowed.

There was silence from my half of the family.

I looked over at them and found Downy staring at me with a frown.

“What aren’t you sharing?” he asked, catching on that there was something more going on here.

I cracked my neck.

“There’s not just one baby,” I admitted. “There’s three.”

Cheyenne gasped.

Aspen’s mouth fell open.

Downy started laughing.

Sam groaned.

And the rest of the family at the table started to cheer.

I was honestly unsure what I should do or say at this point.

I was still in shock.

Never in my life had I ever contemplated more than one child at a time.

Hell, it wasn’t until lately that I’d even contemplated children at all. Yet, here I was, sitting at a table with our family, telling them that I had three children on the way.

And I was actually excited about it.

Excited. About the fact that I was about to have three children.

Holy shit.

The reality of the situation hit me, and I couldn’t stop from looking at Piper and saying, “I suddenly just got really nervous.”

Piper’s eyes widened. “I’ve been nervous.”

I pulled her in by tugging on her hand until she was leaning into my chest, then placed a kiss to the side of her head before saying, “It’ll be okay.”

She shook her head. “I know it will.”

“That’s the best news ever!” I heard Lock say. “The one man on the entire force that nobody ever expected to settle down, marry, or have children. And now you’re having three.”

“Why didn’t they expect that?” Phoebe asked, leaning forward so she could see down the line of the table.

“Because he’s a dick to everyone,” Downy supplied. “Nobody thinks he can be nice to a girl long enough to talk her into his bed. Yet he’s managed to find a good one, one that actually loves him and doesn’t think he’s a dick, and now he’s having babies with her. Way to prove them wrong, Jonah.”

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.”

“He’s not a dick,” Cheyenne said. “He’s been perfectly nice to me each and every time that I’ve met him.”

“He also just told the waiter that he should probably study the bar’s menu items so he’d know what was on tap and wouldn’t look stupid in front of his tables,” Bayou supplied helpfully. “Not that I didn’t agree with him. I just managed to keep it from coming out of my mouth. I like my food sans spit.”

Piper gagged. “They wouldn’t do that.”

“They would,” Hoax disagreed. “At least for someone that wasn’t as jacked as Jonah is. I highly doubt that they’d mess with him seeing as he’d beat the shit out of them and lose no sleep about it.”

That was true.

I wouldn’t lose an ounce of sleep over beating someone up that spit in my food. I’d probably lose my job, though.

A job that I was finding that I liked the longer that I did it.

It was difficult, exhausting, and often times a lot less rewarding than it could be, but I had fairly good hours. I liked the men that I worked with on a daily basis, and I liked my supervisor even more.

I also liked the increase in salary that I’d gotten seeing as it was considered more ‘hazardous.’

Once we’d discussed a little more about the babies, talk changed to Bayou’s work at the prison, and then Hoax’s work with Sam.

That was when I felt Sam’s eyes on me.

“You want to help me?” Sam said.

I frowned. “Help you do what?”

I mean, I already knew what he did.

He ran a business that helped women, children, and even some men get out of dangerous situations. If they needed new identities, he got them new identities. If they needed a place to stay for a few days, he gave them a place to stay. And on the extreme cases, he not only gave them new identities and gave them places to stay, but he also set them up with new jobs, new names, and watched over them while also helping take care of the problem that sent them there in the first place.

Hoax started to laugh.

“He wants help doing the job so he can completely retire,” Hoax said once he’d finished laughing. “He’s handed about as much to me as he could, but I also have young kids at home, and he doesn’t want to overload me like he Copyright 2016 - 2024