It Wasn't Me - Lani Lynn Vale Page 0,57

birthday present and they’d gotten me a good one.

Chapter 15

Please recycle. We want the world to be a beautiful place for Betty White after we’re gone.



It was an entire four weeks later when I finally admitted it.

I sent a text to my sisters, knowing I needed their help.

Piper: How does one know if they’re pregnant if they haven’t taken a test yet? I mean, I know all the signs body wise…but I’m not exhibiting any of those. I’ve missed my period, but that’s not abnormal with me. I just feel…off.

Phoebe: take a test, dumbass.

Pru: It’s one o’clock in the morning, moron. Why are you texting us? Go get a test.

I rolled my eyes at my sisters’ lack of understanding.

Piper: I’m on night shift. I can’t freakin’ go get a test. I honestly just thought about it, anyway.

Phoebe: swear to God. I’m your little sister. And you are a nurse! You should be advising me on this shit, not the other way around.

Piper: What crawled up your ass?

Phoebe: I can tell you that it wasn’t my husband.

Pru: Gross.

Phoebe: You’re gross.

Pru: Your mom’s gross.

I snickered at that.

Sadly, the sound of a bed alarm had me sighing.

“Shit,” I said, momentarily pushing everything else from my thoughts. “Here we go.”

And we definitely went. Quite a bit.

I didn’t stop moving until well past dawn, and at that point, I was so exhausted that I could barely see straight.

Luckily, I only had less than an hour left on my shift.

Even more luckily, I was allowed to go home early seeing as all five of my patients had delivered, and the maternity ward was officially ‘quiet.’

Not that I said that aloud. One didn’t say things like that if they wished to have a good day.

So, being the nice, loving wife that I was learning how to be, I stopped by the donut shop and got a dozen donuts in assorted flavors.

I’d noticed over time that Jonah was a pretty clean eater. And by ‘clean’ I mean he didn’t eat bad at all.

Not until it came to donuts.

Donuts were definitely his weakness.

And when I say weakness, I mean he didn’t eat just one. He ate ten.

Which was why I also got some donut holes for me, and a kolache.

He didn’t like the kolaches. He said it was too much bread to meat ratio, and wouldn’t eat them without whining about it.

So with donuts in hand, I arrived home just in time to find him climbing out of the shower.

The uniform he’d had on while at work the day before was still lying on the floor where he’d discarded it the night before after his shift. Right beside it was his gun belt, likely almost dead cell phone, and his wallet.

Dropping the donuts on the bathroom counter, I turned to him and grinned.

He was watching me with hungry eyes, and that hunger had absolutely nothing to do with donuts.

“You’re home early,” he growled.

I watched as a particular fat drop of water dripped from his beard and began rolling down his chest. It went through the flat plane of his belly, trickling over his abs, until it came to a stop in his pubic hair. Pubic hair that was framing Jonah’s massive erection.

I nodded. “I am. There must’ve been a full moon or something. We had ten women come in within a two-hour period, all within hours of delivering. I left early because there was nothing else for me to do. I’d already played super nurse all night. There were ten healthy babies.”

He always asked if the babies were healthy. Always. So I’d started tacking that on to the recap of my nights that he always asked for, too.

He took me in.

“I have about thirty-five minutes before I have to leave for work,” he said. “And I’ve already had my coffee.”

Grinning wide, I stepped out of my shoes.

I barely pushed my pants down to my knees when he was whirling me around and bending me over the bathroom sink, right next to my donuts.

The bag containing the donut holes fell to the floor, but Jonah’s fingers were doing that thing that I liked to my clit. That ‘thing’ that had him barely grazing the sensitive bud with his fingers while I tried hard not to come.

“You’re already wet for me, baby,” he growled.

I was.

I so totally was. I’d been hoping and praying on the way home that I could catch him in time to do this very thing.

When I’d gotten the donuts, I’d contemplated this exact scenario.

I’d been wanting him Copyright 2016 - 2024