It Wasn't Me - Lani Lynn Vale Page 0,54

my question that he’d yet to answer.

“Are you sure that you want to go?” I asked again.

He glanced over at me.

“Yes, I’m sure,” he answered. “I want to meet your father and mother, officially, as your husband. I also don’t want to start off on the wrong foot with them.”

I smiled.

“My dad is already going to be pissy because he’s recuperating. He’s going to be extra pissy when he finds out that he didn’t get to walk me down the aisle,” I pointed out.

He grumbled something under his breath, and I had to strain to hear.

“We’ll just get married again if that’s what he wants.”

I smiled all the way to their house.

When he pulled up into the compound, and I told him the gate code, we rolled inside and stopped in front of the first building.



“Nice place,” I murmured. “I thought this was the office.”

“It is,” she admitted. “Dad’s sat his ass in front of the security monitors, from what I’ve been told. He’s been doing some shit from the office because he’s tired of us ‘hounding him’ about ‘being okay’ and ‘doing too much.’”

“Maybe y’all are driving him fuckin’ out of his mind,” I suggested.

She rolled her eyes and got out.

But before she could go inside and lead me along with her, Piper’s sister called her name from the house across the way.

The house was beautiful. It was something that you’d see out of a fuckin’ Home and Country magazine, only it was in the middle of Fort Knox.

The compound was made up of quite a few homes that I could see, and there were even some smaller dwellings off to the side that looked to be in use, too.

But all of the homes were encompassed in a rather large compound guarded by fences that even the most hardened of criminals couldn’t breach without losing a leg in the process.

“Piper! Come here, I want to show you something,” Pru called. “Holy shit, my baby is walking!”

Piper left me like a hot potato, and I wondered whether I should go inside to talk to her dad or go with her to see whatever baby was walking.

I would’ve followed Piper had the door not opened and a very pissed off looking Sam stared out at me.

“Jonah,” he said. “Fancy seeing you here.”

I felt my gut clench.

His eyes narrowed on my face.

“What happened to you?” he asked.

I gestured with my chin to him as I climbed up the stairs. “The same thing that happened to you, only I got out a bit easier than you did.”

Sam’s eyes studied me, then moved to Piper who was clapping and cheering with his girls.

“This walking thing isn’t new,” he said. “Come in, we’ll share a beer while they forget that I’m here.”

I snorted. “Good luck with that, man. They know you’re over here.”

“They’re giving us time,” he said as he made his way inside, limping the entire way.

His leg was in a cast from his thigh down to his foot, and he likely should’ve been utilizing crutches. Yet, he wasn’t.

Not that I was surprised.

They’d wanted me to stay overnight, and there was no way in hell that I was going to do that.

Instead, I told them that my wife was a nurse and that if anything happened throughout the night, she was more than capable of handling it.

They’d agreed, and I’d gotten to go home.

I was also going to work tomorrow because my bosses weren’t privy to that conversation that suggested that I take a few days off.

Luckily, neither was Piper, otherwise, I wouldn’t have had a choice.

I was feeling fine, and I knew that if I stayed home, Piper would want to take off her first day at work. My mother would come over. Hell, even my brother and sister might come. And just sayin’, but I didn’t like that many people in my house at one time.

“Want a beer?” Sam asked, looking at me expectantly.

The nurse’s first order was ‘not to drink any alcohol with my pain pills still in my system.’

“Sure,” I said. “If I die, or go into sudden cardiac arrest, you might want to mention to the medics that I had a high dose of pain pills before I came over here.”

Sam chuckled and reached for a beer from the fridge that was underneath his desk.

After handing me mine, he said, “Same goes for me.”

I chuckled and twisted the top off the beer bottle, then took a long, deep swallow.

His eyes narrowed on my hand.

“You’re married?”

I froze, beer halfway to Copyright 2016 - 2024