It Wasn't Me - Lani Lynn Vale Page 0,41

and took the box before jerking my chin up. “Have a good one.”

She winked at me. Her eyes went to Piper who’d come out of the room at my back, and her face fell.

“You, too,” she whispered.

Ignoring the weird way that she’d turned from hot to cold, I closed the door as I read the label on the box.

Piper sighed and threw up her hands. “I give up. Let’s walk.”

I chuckled and wiggled the box at Piper.

“The hotel sent us something,” I said. “What do you think it is?”

Her frown was fierce as she said, “I’ve got no idea. I’m guessing it’s the panties I couldn’t find before we left because someone was a little exuberant that morning.”

I grinned and tossed her the box as I continued looking for the keys.

It was at that point that I almost gave up and went to the safe for my spares, but Piper’s gasp had me turning to survey her.


She held up the box that was open and dumped it on the counter.

Her face flamed when the missing pair of panties fell free of the package.

They were in a clear Ziplock bag, along with a few other items.

One of those items being the NuvaRing that she’d pulled out of her body and hadn’t put back.

“Oh, shit,” she breathed. “Shit, shit, shit.”

I stared at the birth control ring and…grinned.

“Huh,” I said through a smile. “That’s gonna be fun.”

Her mouth fell open.

“Fun?” she squeaked. “You think it’s ‘fun’ that we didn’t put this back in? Jonah, I could be pregnant!”

The worry in her voice had a damper falling onto my otherwise happy contentment, but not for long.

“Piper,” I said softly. “We’re married. If we weren’t married, I’d say that we should be worried. But we are.”

And I kind of liked the idea of having another reason for her to stay exactly where she was.

We’d known each other a very, very short amount of time. We got married within days of knowing each other. The only real proof that we had of our marriage since we couldn’t remember the affair were the tattooed rings on our fingers, the certificate of marriage, and our photo. One photo of the two of us kissing in front of the crappiest looking chapel in Vegas.

“We’ve been married for all of four days. The tattooed ring on my finger isn’t even healed enough yet for me to put my real ring on. We’ve known each other for less than two weeks, and a week and a half of that we were apart. You don’t think that there’s any cause to worry seeing as we might be adding a child into this?”

Well, when she put it like that…

I shrugged. “I’m a firm believer in live and let live. I also think that things happen for a reason. Did you know that I was supposed to leave Germany the day before?”

She swallowed, then shook her head.

“I had a meeting at the police department. I was set to leave the day before, but something happened to the plane. I fixed what I could, and they overnighted the parts. That was why there was even a plane sitting there waiting for you to get on,” I said.

She licked her lips, her eyes nervous.

“If that plane hadn’t broken, you’d have been on your regular flight with no other options, and I’d have left without seeing you,” I continued. “But instead, I got to ride with you the entire way and hold your hand.”

She looked down at her hands.

“And I got that ticket to the car auction from a buddy that fell down a flight of stairs and broke his leg. I was on standby to get onto that flight. I knew that it was a possibility that it wouldn’t happen. But it did happen,” I pushed.

Her eyes went wide as she once again brought her gaze back up to me.

“So if there’s a baby because I was a dumbass and asked you to take it out, then it was meant to be.”

At least it was from my point of view.

From hers, I wasn’t so sure.

But then she smiled sweetly at me and flushed.

“What are you thinking?” I asked softly.

She licked her lips quickly before saying, “The idea of carrying your baby doesn’t scare me. It excites the hell out of me. The idea that I have to tell my parents that I’m carrying the child of a man I just met scares me.”

My lips twitched.

“Do you want to go see him at the hospital today? I Copyright 2016 - 2024