It Was Only a Kiss - By Joss Wood Page 0,10

slip away before she ran into Luke and was told that he wanted nothing to do with her. As she walked out she slipped on her knee-length black coat and pulled a thin silk scarf from its pocket. There was an icy wind blowing off the towering greeny-purple mountains that surrounded the estate. Jess walked down a path that snaked through the now denuded rose gardens, past the manor house and towards the long driveway where she’d parked her rental car.

Jess found a path between the manor house and the guest house. It led onto the driveway and Jess immediately saw Luke, sitting on the top length of the pole fence that separated a winter-brown paddock from the driveway. Behind the paddock the vineyard started, and she could see his workers pruning the vines.

Jess stopped in the shadows of the house and just watched him.

He still fascinated her, Jess admitted. Oh, he was smoking hot, and he set her nerve-endings alight, but there was something beneath that attraction—something about him that engaged her internally as well. She knew he was smart, and she suspected that he could be ruthless, but it went deeper than simple pheromones and lust. Deep enough to have her mentally cocking her head.

One hundred percent alpha male and more than a match for her. The unwelcome thought popped into her head and settled. Jess stumbled, stopped and took a deep breath, and reminded herself that she was an alpha female and very able to deal with Luke Savage. She was an independent, successful, strong woman...

She was such a liar. Right now she felt as if she had all the inner strength of a marshmallow. She shouldn’t be here at St Sylve, shouldn’t be taking this project on. She really didn’t need his business...

She especially didn’t need the way he made her feel. Tingly, excited, a little unsure, a lot less confident.

Jess placed her hands on her waist and scowled at the ground. Get a grip, Sherwood. You survived a childhood as the youngest girl with four older brothers, you run a successful business, you are independent, ambitious and in charge of this situation.

You will not let him get under your skin...

Jess took a deep breath and stepped out of the shadows onto the driveway. Luke’s head shot up. He jumped off the fence and pushed the sleeves of his T-shirt up his forearms as he scowled at her.

‘Now, why aren’t I surprised to see you here?’ Luke asked in a very even tone.

Jess wasn’t fooled. His green eyes were spitting spiders.

‘Good to know you haven’t lost any of your cheek.’

Sarcasm. He was still good at it.

Jess’s rental car was parked closest to the fence and she dropped her laptop bag on the front seat, slammed the door shut and placed her bottom on the bonnet. She pushed her sunglasses into her hair and looked around.

As much as she wanted to, she would not get drawn into an argument right off the bat. Mostly because she wasn’t sure she’d win it.

‘I’d forgotten how beautiful this place is,’ she commented idly, ignoring his opening volley. ‘The air is so sweet, so pure. Cold, but sweet.’

Luke folded his arms as he loomed over her. ‘What are you doing here, Jessica?’

Jess ignored his intimidation tactics and sent him a smile. ‘I’m going to give you a marketing campaign that is going to blow your socks off, Luke.’

‘Why? So you can say “I told you so”? To rub my face in the fact that I’ve failed? To push home the point that you, despite being so ridiculously young, were right?’

‘No!’ Jess put her hands on her hips and scowled at him. ‘Why didn’t you call me? Dammit, Luke. I know St Sylve. I know—’

Luke rubbed the back of his neck. He felt embarrassed and stupid and wished that she’d just leave him alone to try to fix the mess he’d made. Unfortunately his business brain also kept whispering that he’d be an idiot if he just sent her on her way without listening to her proposal.

There was a reason why she was reputed to be one of the best in the business...but why did she have to look even sexier than before?

The knowledge that he was still so attracted to her caused his temper to spike. ‘You know nothing! You spent three months here eight years ago and you didn’t know much then.’

‘I want to help you...’

Luke shook his head. ‘No, you don’t. You want to make some money off me, Copyright 2016 - 2024